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NCAA Recognizes COVID-19 Natural Immunity for Student Athletes in Updated Guidelines


Despite the non-stop vaccine propaganda, natural immunity has proven superior to warding off future COVID-19 infections.

But getting public health authorities to recognize natural immunity is like pulling teeth.

They don’t want to admit that millions of Americans have recovered from the virus, built natural, robust antibodies, and have lasting protection.

While health agencies have quietly discussed natural immunity, they continue to push the experimental COVID-19 injections to stuff the pockets of Big Pharma.

However, it appears a sliver of common sense is finally coming to light.

In the NCAA of all places, natural immunity will qualify as “fully vaccinated” amongst student-athletes.

Although it’s only within 90 days of documented infection, could this signal an impending collapse of the mainstream COVID-19 narrative?

Here’s the latest:

ESPN reported:

“The omicron variant has presented another surge of cases across the country,” NCAA chief medical officer Brian Hainline said. “This guidance was designed to align with the latest public health directives. Given how the pandemic continues to evolve, it’s important that staff on member campuses continue to work with their local and state health officials on protocols most suitable for their locations.”

The NCAA COVID-19 Medical Advisory Group developed its new definition of “fully vaccinated” to account for vaccinations, boosters and other immunity factors.

Fully vaccinated individuals now include those within two months of receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, five months of receiving the Pfizer vaccine series or six months of receiving the Moderna vaccine series; and individuals who are beyond the aforementioned timeline and have received the booster vaccine.

Individuals within 90 days of a documented COVID-19 infection fall within the equivalent of “fully vaccinated.”

The other noteworthy change in the newest COVID-19 guidance is quarantine and isolation periods.

The NCAA suggests five days of quarantine after a positive test if there are no symptoms or “symptoms are resolving.” They also suggest masking around others for five additional days, except during athletic activities following a negative test.

Fully vaccinated close contacts do not need to quarantine, but should wear a mask when not participating in athletic activities. Unvaccinated close contacts should still quarantine for five days with no participation in athletic activities.

COVID-19 is no statistical danger to collegiate athletes as they’re among the healthiest individuals in our society.

Immoral and illogical restrictions, such as quarantine or COVID-19 injection mandates, qualify as abuse on the young age demographic.

The only restriction that makes sense is to keep athletes at home if they express symptoms of any illness.


While recognizing natural immunity for 90 days is a start, it’s still COVID theatre.

FEE referenced natural immunity’s superiority to the experimental injections:

Vaccine passports are morally dubious for several reasons, but they seem particularly unjust for people who’ve already had COVID-19, since they’ve already been exposed to the virus and have acquired natural immunity. Some evidence, such as a medical study out of Israel published in October, suggests that people with natural immunity actually have more protection from COVID-19 than vaccinated individuals.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institutes of Health and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President, was recently asked on CNN about the Israeli study—specifically if people naturally infected with COVID-19 had a lower risk of contracting the virus than those who received the vaccine. He declined to give a clear answer.

“I don’t have a really firm answer for you on that,” Fauci said. “That’s something that we’re going to have to discuss regarding the durability of the response.”

Harvard Medical School professor Martin Kulldorff disagrees.

“Based on the solid evidence from the Israeli study, the Covid recovered have stronger and longer-lasting immunity against Covid disease than the vaccinated,” Kulldorff wrote. “Hence, there is no reason to prevent them from activities that are permitted to the vaccinated.”
Until the NCAA lifts all nonsensical restrictions, I’m not convinced their shenanigans are over.
But the recognition of natural immunity indicates a small step in the right direction.


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