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Giant Circular UFO Spotted on SpaceX Live Feed


SpaceX launched a new rocket into space today, but that wasn’t the big news.

No, the big news was when the video from the live feed suddenly cut away after a giant circular UFO came into view.

Just a piece of “space junk”, I’m sure….

Just a coincidence they immediately cut the camera away, I’m sure…

Take a look:

Watch the live video here:

More here:

Backup video here:

And from

A mysterious object which appeared underneath the Falcon 9 rocket during its launch on Thursday sent the Internet into a UFO frenzy. SpaceX kicked off the new year by launching its first Falcon 9 rocket, which then rocketed a new handful of Starlink satellites into orbit before returning to Earth. During footage of the live-streamed rocket launch, a mysterious ring-shaped UFO can be seen moving below the rocket.

YouTuber The Hidden Underbelly 2.0 also posted a video of the sighting, writing: “This ring-shaped UFO showed up during the Falcon 9 launch at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

“While the rocket was over our Earth this object appeared and then they change cameras.”

One person even opened up a question on the Starlink forum on Reddit, asking: “Can somebody explain what this is?”

Another angle here:

Here are more lights in the sky from about a week earlier from the ground:

So…what do you think?

Was this a genuine alien UFO?


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