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Group of Lawyers & Doctors Send Letter to FAA Stating Federal Law Prohibits Commercial Pilots From Flying After Taking Experimental Injections; Call to Medically Flag All Vaccinated Pilots


A group of lawyers and doctors familiar with health care protocols in civilian and military aviation sent a letter to the FAA and CEOs of all major airlines with a dire warning about vaccinated pilots. According to the team of legal and medical professionals, pilots are prohibited from flying after taking a non-FDA approved treatment or one that was approved under 12 months ago.

Lawyers from Children’s Health Defense, along with several doctors including Lt. Col. Theresa Long, Peter McCullough, and Ryan Cole, sent the letter that references Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations §61.53.

The statute states:

no person who holds a medical certificate issued under part 67 of this chapter may act as pilot in command, or in any other capacity as a required pilot flight crewmember, while that person:

(1) Knows or has reason to know of any medical condition that would make the person unable to meet the requirements for the medical certificate necessary for the pilot operation; or

(2) Is taking medication or receiving other treatment for a medical condition that results in the person being unable to meet the requirements for the medical certificate necessary for the pilot operation.

While the statute is open for a wide interpretation, the FAA “Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners” advises Aviation Medical Examiners (AMEs) to issue a “Do Not Fly” (DNF) for pilots taking any drug approved by the FDA less than 12 months ago.

As stated in the Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners:

Do Not Issue. AMEs should not issue airmen medical certificates to applicants who are using these classes of medications or medications……..

FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved less than 12 months ago. The FAA generally requires at least one-year of post-marketing experience with a new drug before consideration for aeromedical certification purposes. This observation period allows time for uncommon, but aeromedically significant, adverse effects to manifest themselves. Contact either your Regional Flight Surgeon or AMCD for guidance on specific applicants or to request consideration for a particular medication


Do Not Fly. Airmen should not fly while using any of the medications in the Do Not Issue section above or while using any of the medications or classes/groups of medications listed below without an acceptable wait time after the last dose. All of these medications may cause sedation (drowsiness) and impair cognitive function, seriously degrading pilot performance. This impairment can occur even when the individual feels alert and is apparently functioning normally – in other words, the airman can be “unaware of impair.”

As Daniel Horowitz discusses in his latest Op-ed at Blaze Media, the potential ramifications of bypassing the law could be catastrophic:

Well, here we are with the most rushed vaccine in history, for which none of the commercially available versions have even gotten full FDA approval (Comirnaty is not yet available) and the numerous side effects are common and ubiquitous beyond belief, yet Biden is mandating the vaccine on pilots! Every commercially available vaccine is still under Emergency Use Authorization status. A federal judge in Florida recently found the government’s argument that Pfizer is interchangeable with Comirnaty to be “unconvincing.”

Thus, not a single “vaccinated” pilot who has been flying has received an FDA-approved vaccine and most certainly has not waited the required 12 months post-approval. Just how far has the aviation industry deviated from the law? Commercial pilots only wait 48 hours after having the shots, while military pilots can fly again after just 12 hours. Studies have shown that the average time it takes for myocarditis to present in injected patients is seven days after the shot, but it could take as long as 40 days to become apparent.

Typically, the aviation industry uses the most stringent protocols accounting for the worst-case scenarios for risk assessment of the pilot’s safety after undergoing a medical treatment. “Ordinary military aviation has more stringent medical standards than the FAA,” said one of the authors, Dr. Peter Chambers, in an interview with TheBlaze. “However, both failed to adhere to long-standing risk mitigation and aeromedical safety measures critical to safety of flight, especially with regard to widespread use of an experimental drug with the least long- and short-term safety data ever used by pilots in the history of modern aviation.”

Chambers is a rare gem in the military. He is a flight surgeon and a lieutenant colonel Green Beret, making him one of the few members of the Special Forces with a medical degree. He is currently in the Texas National Guard doing border missions after having served in the Texas COVID response missions last year.

Horowitz mentions that Dr. Chambers believes he was injured from the Moderna COVID-19 jab and now suffers from a brain bleed.

Chambers stated in Horowitz’s Op-ed:

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“After serving 38 years in the military and getting every vaccine known to man, I trusted my government on this one,” said Chambers in describing his initial overcoming of concerns. “After the second shot in March, I developed pretty serious vertigo, brain fog, and unsteadiness of gait. I started taking ivermectin to counter the spike protein. I eventually got an MRI several weeks ago, and changes on it were commensurate with others who had cerebral vascular accidents following the mRNA vaccine.”

Chambers noted that six other soldiers experienced the same symptoms and MRI findings around six months after taking the COVID-19 jab. Due to his personal vaccine-related injuries, Chambers is fearful of the potential consequences to pilots in the air.

Chambers and the signing attorneys attached a list of 10 known cases of otherwise healthy pilots who reported adverse events to VAERS. The list of health conditions experienced by the pilots includes myocardial infarction (heart attack), atrial fibrillation, pericarditis, brain swelling, elevated intra-cranial pressure affecting spinal cord and brain stem, sub-arachnoid hemorrhages (brain bleed), and blindness.

In the letter, the signing lawyers and doctors concluded:

In sum, neither the law nor common sense countenances that federal agencies charged with ensuring public safety ignore concerning data and thereby jeopardize public safety,” concludes the letter. “Nor do law and common sense countenance ignoring information that evinces that both pilots and the passengers they serve are at risk of severe injury and possibly death. Finally, neither precept countenances killing a plane full of hundreds of Americans because a commercial pilot loses control of their aircraft after suffering a major blood clot, seizure, or myocarditis-related event, which in turn causes his jet to be involved in a fatal catastrophic crash … before regulators decide to finally act.

Quite the opposite:  both federal regulations and good sense require that all commercial pilots who have received a COVID-19 vaccine, and are thus flying with a non-FDA approved medical product in their bodies, be immediately flagged and medically re-certified only after showing aeromedically acceptable D-Dimer, Troponin, ECGs, cardiac MRIs and PULs tests, and otherwise clean bills of health.


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