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“Let’s Go Brandon” Prankster Now Receiving Death Threats


The people on the correct side of history almost always have comedy in their corner.

It is the unfunny and joyless prigs who constitute the cold boot of authoritarianism, tyranny, dictatorship, and evil….basically all the 36 gender, triple masked, and soon to be quadruple jabbed leftists.

Leftists of the 20th century were notoriously unfunny: think Mao, Stalin and Hitler—yes Hitler was a leftist never let anyone tell you otherwise.

After all, Nazi stands for National Workers Socialist Party—socialist being the operative word here.

We recently reported on how an Oregon man prank called Joe Biden, but now that same man is facing death threats for a harmless prank…..

Probably from the same mentally ill, brightly colored people who couldn’t stop screeching “fuck Trump” for 4 straight years because the television told them to say so.

Here are both sides of the phone call:

Fox News reported the death threats

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“And now I am being attacked for utilizing my freedom of speech,” Jared Schmeck, 35, a former Medford police officer, told The Oregonian newspaper Saturday.

Schmeck said he has been receiving vague but threatening phone calls after his call to Biden on Friday was live-streamed and reported in the media.

The New York Post echoed Fox News:

The anti-Biden phrase has become popular in conservative circles as a stand-in for “F— Joe Biden,” but Jared Schmeck, 35, said he meant “no disrespect” to the president when he snuck the slogan in during the final seconds of the Friday call.


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