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“WE ARE ALL UNVACCINATED” Trends in Brazil After Hackers Take Down Ministry of Health’s Vaccination Database


Digital hackers to the rescue?

That appears to be the case in Brazil after the health ministry reported its website was hit by a massive hacker attack last Friday.

It appears Brazil’s national immunization program was one of the targets in the hacker attack.

Reuters noted:

Brazil’s health ministry said its website was hit on Friday by a hacker attack that took several systems down, including one with information about the national immunization program and another used to issue digital vaccination certificates.

That sounds like good news if you ask me.

One of the end goals of the feverish COVID-19 inoculation campaign is to implement a digital vaccination database that tracks every citizen’s medical records.

Each person’s medical records can link to vaccine passports, which governments can eventually use to invade your medical privacy.

And these medical records can link to a digital ID.

In celebration, the hashtag “we are all unvaccinated” started trending in Brazil (#SomosTodosNaoVacinados).

The group that claimed responsibility for the hacker attack confirmed it to be ransomware.

In response, Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga vowed punishment.

AA explains:

The websites of Brazil’s Health Ministry and the ConectaSUS platform, which centralizes vaccination data and other health information for Brazilians, were taken down by hackers in the early hours of Friday.

Both platforms were still down as of Friday noon in Brazil after the attack.

Early in the morning, when trying to access the ministry website, users only saw a black screen with a message which read “The internal data of the systems were copied and deleted. 50 Tb of data is in our hands. Contact us if you want the data back,” followed by an email address and a link to a Telegram channel.

This kind of attack is known as ransomware, a type of virus that hijacks access to system data by encrypting it. Usually hackers promise to release access after receiving a ransom. No information on ransom was released, though.

Hours later, the message was taken down, but the ministry’s website was still inaccessible. The platform with vaccination data was also inaccessible, preventing Brazilians from issuing their vaccination certificates.

The Ministry of Health said in a note that “some systems were compromised” and that it called on the Federal Police and the Institutional Security Office of the Presidency of the Republic to investigate the case.

The Health Minister, Marcelo Queiroga, said that whoever is found responsible for the attack will be “exemplarily punished”.

“It’s being investigated, and once someone is found guilty, they will be exemplarily punished,” he said, calling the attack “a criminal attitude”.

“Today, [our] full efforts are on making this data available as soon as possible,” Queiroga said.

A group known as the Lapsus$ Group claimed responsibility for the attack but did not elaborate on what had motivated it.

The attack takes place in the wake of a controversy involving the Brazilian government’s decision not to demand the so-called “vaccine passport” from travelers arriving in the country, going against the recommendation by the country’s health authority, Anvisa. The decision has drawn criticism from the scientific community.

In the United States, the House of Representatives passed a bill to establish a national vaccine registry.

The Senate still has to vote on the legislation.

LifeSiteNews comments:

H.R. 550, commonly referred to as the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021, was passed last Thursday, December 2nd by the U.S. House in a 294-130 margin vote.

All present Democrat members voted in favor of the bill, and were joined by 80 Republicans (with an additional 130 opposing).

With a $400 million price tag, this bill, per its text, would use taxpayer funds to develop “a confidential, population-based, computerized database that records immunization doses administered by any health care provider to persons within the geographic area covered by that database.”

The bill’s primary sponsor, Democrat Congresswoman Anne McLane Kuster of New Hampshire, has publicly stated that the primary purpose of H.R. 550 is to “remind patients when to receive a recommended vaccine,” but the truth is we all know better than that.

Should it become law, this bill would make it easier for the federal government, by way of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), to collect data and track Americans based on their vaccination status by giving state and local governments the ability to share people’s health data

And let’s be honest: The only true purpose that could serve is to further discriminate against those who are unvaccinated and to exclude them from the general functions of society — something we’re already beginning to see happen now, both in the United States and around the world.

NO individual should ever be penalized for opting against getting the Covid vaccine, but as things stand today, big pharma’s allies in government are taking action in states across our country to do exactly that in most every facet of their lives, be it in the workplace, in areas of public accommodation, and even in schools.

And H.R. 550 would only make this easier to accomplish by systemically ostracizing those who opt against getting the jab in order to fill Joe Biden’s politically-motivated vaccination quotas.


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