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Timothy Dixon: The Time Is 11:58…


I told you earlier today that Timothy Dixon is increasing the rate at which he posts his prophetic messages, almost as if we’re in a mad dash to the finish.

And that’s exactly what he talks about in this video below.

It’s almost finished folks.

As he says in the video, he was shown a clock that was at 11:58 and those last two minutes are getting ready to tick off any moment now.

Are you ready?

I guarantee you the “elites” are not ready.

Their ego and their arrogance has made them think they are invincible….

The wealth they have stole from all of us has made them feel unstoppable….

But “vinced” and stopped they will be in an instant!  In a suddenly moment!

I know some of you have lost heart, lost faith and I know you’ll grumble in the comments.

But we haven’t wavered one bit here at WeLoveTrump.

We are standing firm.

We stand with Timothy Dixon, Robin Bullock, Hank Kunneman, Kat Kerr, Manuel Johnson, Bo Polny, Julie Green and so many more!

Don’t lose faith right as the victory is coming….

Watch this and be encouraged:


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