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“Let’s Go Brandon” Christmas Wrapping Paper: Over 3,000 Pounds Sold; Enough to Cover 6 NFL Fields


Who said the holidays and politics don’t mix?

“Let’s go Brandon” Christmas wrapping paper is a HUGE hit!

In fact, over 3,000 pounds of the wrapping paper has been sold already.

To put that into perspective, that’s enough wrapping paper to fully cover SIX entire NFL fields.

More details below:

In addition to being a political statement, the wrapping paper is a hit for one other reason.

What reason?

Well, the wrapping paper is made in America!

So aside from being a political statement, it is also creating and supporting American jobs.

The Washington Examiner confirms:

“Since launching, we’ve printed over 260,000 square feet of Let’s Go Brandon Wrapping Paper. That’s enough to completely cover six NFL football fields. That’s wild,” he added.

Overall, that’s about 3,000 pounds of paper that sells for $19.95 a roll.

The Suwanee, Georgia, firm sells conservative-themed goods and offers a Made In America brand, including a “Let’s go Brandon” Christmas ornament.

The “Let’s go Brandon” phrase originated in an interview with NASCAR driver Brandon Brown in October. Fans behind the reporter chanted, “F*** Joe Biden,” but the reporter thought they were saying, “Let’s go, Brandon.” Soon after, Biden critics turned it into a meme.

The family-owned shop has had a string of politically themed hits, its “Fauci the Clown” T-shirt being another one.

“We’re having fun with the snowflakes, and we’re putting money in our local community, that makes for a very merry conservative Christmas,” Weathers said.

The fact that so much wrapping paper has sold should be an indicator of Biden’s historic unpopularity.

Even President Trump, who received much more hatred from the media, never had disparaging items against him sell so quickly.

It turns out that Let’s Go Brandon may also be a Christmas theme for this year.


Aside from being wrapping paper, people are entering “Let’s Go Brandon” floats into parades.

In fact…

One float WON for the best parade display… but it was later disqualified because of Woke-ism.

Per Just The News:

A boat with “Let’s go, Brandon” decor won a lighted boat parade contest Saturday in Yorktown, Va, only to be disqualified hours later.

The non-profit parade sponsor, the Yorktown Foundation, disqualified the vessel and retracted its “Best in Show” award hours after the event, citing the boat’s “overt political message,” the Virginian-Pilot reported.

The bright 50-foot boat featured American flags, a Christmas Tree and a sign with “FJB” and “Let’s go Brandon” written in lights.

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“Let’s go, Brandon” is a euphemism that rose to fame in September after an NBC reporter incorrectly described a NASCAR stadium chant of “F*** Joe Biden” as “Let’s go, Brandon.”

Some at the parade began cheering with the boat, while others were not so enthused.

What do you think?

Is FJB and LGB inappropriate for the holidays?

Or is it a sign that a red wave is growing for 2022?


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