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BLM Wants to Boycott White Companies For Christmas


Sometimes I don’t even believe my own headlines but it’s true!

Black Lives Matter has decided to encourage its followers to boycott ‘white businesses’ and choose black-owned businesses instead.

Now look don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of supporting black-owned businesses.

As a free-market capitalist, I think as consumers we should support a diverse number of small and mid-sized businesses to boost our economy for all people.

But honestly what BLM wants is not only racist it impractical, read below to find out why.

Here’s the story developing:

When the civil rights movement began in the United States, African Americans boycotted busses and other public resources to show the government how important they were to the proper functioning of society.

And it worked!

Because at that time the American government had fundamental laws against certain races, the boycott was not only a great idea, it worked because it was a form of peaceful protest or civil disobedience.

But in a time where all people in this country are equal and have the same opportunities for success, what BLM wants is racist and just doesn’t make sense.

Here’s Fox News with the full report:

The Black Lives Matter movement’s national arm is leading a boycott of “white companies” until New Year’s Day, encouraging supporters to help “end white-supremacist-capitalism” by visiting only Black-owned businesses during the holiday shopping season.

“White-supremacist-capitalism uses policing to protect profits and steal Black life,” reads an Instagram post by the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation. “Skip the Black Friday sales and buy exclusively from Black-owned businesses.”

“We’re dreaming of a #Blackxmas. That means no spending with white companies from 11/26/2021 – 01/01/2022,” the BlackXmas website says.

The organization also calls on supporters to “move your money out of white-corporate banks that finance our oppression and open accounts with Black-owned banks.”

The boycott, promoted under the hashtag #BlackXmas and #BuyBlack, among others, started on Black Friday and ends on New Year’s Day.

Now see, here is where I think that the boycott is impractical.

When you talk about boycotting white-owned businesses you aren’t really targeting large corporations, you end up hurting small businesses.

Think about it.

How many black-owned banks are there?

What about internet companies, TV providers, supermarkets, coffee shops, and so on?

There are no black-owned internet or cellular providers.

So what will happen is BLM supporters will not boycott HUGE companies that provide internet, phone services, and financial resources, instead they will turn to small businesses and boycott those because those are the only ones they will be able to boycott!

So it’s not the billionaires on wall street that will feel the pain, it’s mom and pop shops and local stores.

I’m all for supporting black-owned businesses and we should feel encouraged to shop wherever provides the best customer service and prices.

But I’d love to see BLM take their money out of Chase, Wells Fargo, or Bank of America and put it… where exactly?

Here’s the rest of the story:

“As BLMLA organizer, Jan Williams, reminds us, ‘Capitalism doesn’t love Black people,’” reads a blog post last week announcing the event. “In fact, white-supremacist-capitalism invented policing, initially as chattel-slavery-era ‘paddy rollers,’ in order to protect its interests and put targets on the backs of Black people.”

“#BlackXmas challenges us to shake off the chains of consumerism and step fully into our own collective power, to build new traditions, and run an offense as well as a defense,” the post continues. “Let’s harness our economic power to disrupt white-supremacist-capitalism and build Black community.”

A video featured on the BlackXmas website show the BLM Los Angeles chapter protesting inside Beverly Hills businesses on Rodeo Drive in 2017.

“Take it to the streets and f— the police! No justice no peace!” the Santa-hat-wearing protesters chanted in the video just before blocking the intersection of Rodeo and Santa Monica Boulevard.

F– the police and F– Santa.

That’s the BLM message this Christmas.

It’s funny how they think that capitalism hates black people.

The free market like justice is blind.

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It doesn’t see color or gender, only supply, and demand.

Do you know what really hates black people?


Trust me, I used to live in a post-soviet country.

There is nothing more racist than a post-communist and socialist system.

So shut up and enjoy this great country of ours where you are actually allowed to utter the word ‘boycott’.


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