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URGENT: Australian Aboriginal Community Issues SOS Call to the World For Help Against Genocide


Australian Aboriginal elder June Mills made a chilling plea for help to the world about what’s transpiring in Australia’s Northern Territory.

Mills shouted that Australian forces were injecting her people against their will and sending them to COVID-19 quarantine camps.

She screamed with rage that “they’re killing us” and it’s a “program of elimination.”

Later footage surfacing from Australia shows Aboriginal community members making a desperate SOS call for help to the world.

They claimed the Northern Territory government is force inoculating their people and pressuring them via the military and police officers.

And those fleeing the community to avoid the forced injections receive $5,000 fines.

The community members accused the Northern Territory government of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Watch below:

Watch the full clip on Instagram.

And here’s a backup on Bitchute.

Aboriginal Elder June Mills made another statement you can watch here.

Other Australians made SOS calls for immediate help and warned it was the beginning of a genocide:

From Bitchute:

Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner denied the accusations and told “tinfoil-hat wearing tossers” to get a life.


After delivering the case numbers and exposure site updates, Mr Gunner said he wanted to address “the huge amount of misinformation being spread online over the past few days.”

“There are ridiculous, untrue rumours about the ADF’s involvement. As we all know, they aren’t carrying weapons — they are carrying fresh food for people.

“So I urge people not to worry about the insane, unhinged stuff is spreading online.”

He said most of the misinformation online was being spread by “flogs outside the Territory — mostly America, Canada and the UK — people who have nothing better to do than make up lies about us because their own lives are so small and so sad.”

He referenced a statement released by Binjari and Rockhole residents yesterday, who said the hard lockdown were necessary while they were in the fight of their lives.

“We all know what this is for: we are trying to protect the oldest continuous living culture on the planet,” he said.

“We have tens of thousands of years of history, lore, custom and songs to keep alive.

Acting Chief Health Officer Charles Pain said today was “clearly a positive day”.

“We’ve got one new case in quarantine already, who has been an identified contact,” he said.

“What this demonstrates… is an enormous effort to contact trace and identify people, and then with our widespread testing we haven’t picked up anyone outside that who hasn’t already been identified as a contact.”

Mr. Gunner’s arrogant response didn’t sound too convincing if you ask me.

Human rights groups and journalists should immediate investigate the claims made by the Aboriginals.

As reported by, one Aboriginal health worker addressed what he claimed was “misinformation”

Mr Ellis said there were legitimate criticisms to be made about some aspects of the government’s response.

But he said valid concerns were being “drowned out” by misinformation.

He specifically addressed false claims Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel were forcing Aboriginal community residents to submit to vaccination, and comparisons of transfers to the Howard Springs facility to genocide and the Stolen Generations.

“Indigenous people on the ground have continually tried to raise awareness of things affecting our people including long-term systemic racism. To try use us as props now is disgusting.”

Mr Ellis said the conditions in the quarantine facility were good and the transfers were necessary because of dangerous overcrowding in the communities in hard lockdown.

“My grandmother was Stolen Generation,” he wrote.

“Any comparison to [the] Stolen Generation is spitting on what those poor souls went through in those days.”

Mr Ellis, who is fully vaccinated, told the ABC he was concerned the misinformation online would hamper efforts to increase vaccination rates in the NT, where he has worked on the COVID frontline.

“It’s not that widespread, but it’s enough to cause damage,” he said.

“It’s causing people to hesitate to get the vaccine or lose trust in their healthcare providers.

Share far and wide to inform the world of these horrific accusations laid against the Northern Territory government.


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