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TRUST THE SCIENCE: Why Are The Most Vaxxed Places Also The Highest COVID Rates?


Trust the science, they said…

It’s just two weeks to flatten the curve, they said…

Do your part, they said…

Well, how has that all played out so far, almost two years into this pandemic?

Let’s take a look.

I always say, the hardest part of “two weeks to flatten the curve” is the first 18 months!

Looks like a swing and a miss to me on that one.

But how about vaccines?

We’ve now had ample time and data to see if vaccines are having the impact they were supposed to, so what does the “science” say?

A lot.

Let’s start with Fauci.

Even Dr. Fauci is now admitting that vaccines aren’t working “the way he said they would.”

That’s a kind way of putting it:

And hospitalization rates among the vaxxed are rising:

Here’s a bit more from Fox News:

COVID-19 hospitalizations are rising among people who are fully vaccinated, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease.

Fauci discussed what was driving virus surges in hot spots around the U.S.

“What we’re starting to see now is an uptick in hospitalizations among people who’ve been vaccinated but not boosted,” Fauci said Tuesday. “It’s a significant proportion, but not the majority by any means.”

In a White House COVID-19 Response Team briefing on Wednesday, Fauci stressed the importance of vaccines and highlighted their efficacy.

“We have 62 million Americans eligible for vaccines who are still not vaccinated. The data that I show you do not lie. Vaccines protect you, your family, and your community,” he said, speaking alongside U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky. “And importantly, it is not too late, as Dr. Walensky has said. Get vaccinated now.”

Listen to Fauci in his own words here:

Now let’s look at Gibraltar, widely considered to be the “most vaccinated region on Earth”….

How are things going over there?

They just canceled Christmas:

Even MSN is starting to report on the glaring hypocrisy that can no longer be ignored:

Gibraltar has cancelled Christmas events after a “dramatic” rise in COVID cases linked to waning immunity of the COVID vaccine.

The tiny British territory, which has a population of just under 34,000, has seen cases escalate over the last month.

In March, Gibraltar was lauded as the “most vaccinated place on earth” after the entire population had received the jab, but their early success could be their undoing.

Health officials in the British territory announced 124 new COVID cases over the weekend and an average of 56 over the past seven days.

This comes after Gibraltar was seeing an average of under 10 COVID cases a day in September.

The number of active cases sits at 474 – roughly 1.3 per cent of the population – as of November 17.

The recent spike is the biggest surge the tiny population has seen since January 2021.

Gibraltar has administered at least 94,469 doses of COVID vaccines so far and assuming every person needs two dos

The Lancet medical journal released figures that showed the Pfizer vaccine effectiveness in preventing hospitalization and death remained high at 90 percent for at least six months, even against Delta.

The data suggests that the drop is due to waning efficacy, rather than more contagious variants, researchers said.

With Gibraltar vaccinating its entire population months ago, the Government is facing the issue of waning immunity.

This has seen restrictions reintroduced with mandatory mask laws for indoor spaces and public transport, and health officials are urging locals to cancel Christmas plans.


People are waking up.

Great questions being asked:

And what about lockdowns?

Maybe it’s the lockdowns that are effective?


No, not according to the data that has played out in Sweden.

No mask mandates, no COVID passports and no lockdowns and what do you get?

You get this stunning chart:

You don’t need to be a doctor or a statistician to decode that chart….it’s plain as day!

So what are the scientists and politicians doing?

Changing course?

Admitting they had the wrong strategy?


Despite the climbing death rate and fast failure rate of vaccines here in the USA the PINO (see if you can decode what that stands for) continues to push for vaccines.

MOAR vaccines!

Two jabs, now three jabs…maybe four jabs soon!

Six jabs, seven jabs…we’re aiming for the moon!

Feels like a Dr. Seuss rhyme.

Sadly, it’s real:

Should we look at one more before wrapping this up?

How about Harvard.

Harvard should understand the science, right?

Actually, it looks like they do according to a new paper that was recently published.

Check this headline out, published in the European Journal of Epidemiology by Harvard’s Subramanian:

Zero correlation!

Just wow:

So….are you canceling your Christmas?

Or living your life?

I know what I’m doing…


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