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QAnon Shaman Gets Hefty Sentence


This is clearly politically motivated…

We now know by The F.B.I.’s own admission that there was no ‘insurrection‘, and numerous videos have surfaced which show the police letting protestors into the building.

Those arrested have been allegedly subject to inhumane treatment, as Democrats try to use these political prisoners as a cover for their catastrophic failures on just about every issue.

Jacob Chansley was among many of the casualties in this political war, and is reported to have been sentenced to over 3 years in prison for his alleged role in the January 6th riots.

Is this a suitable punishment for someone who is at worst just a rowdy protestor?

Especially considering the fact that actual mobs of domestic terrorists have been burning our cities for over a year now?

Everyone no doubt knows my views on this, but take the time to answer these questions for yourself, and come to your own conclusions.

Here’s more on the story:

The Epoch Times provided more details:

Jacob Chansley, 34, became one of the faces of the breach after going shirtless and wearing an animal fur hat with horns into the building. He also carried a spear with an American flag affixed to it.

Chansley pleaded guilty in September to one count of obstructing an official proceeding.

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The Arizona man was facing up to 20 years in prison. Prosecutors had recommended 51 months, in part because Chansley had become so well-known during and after the breach.

The New York Post had more:

Chansley, a former actor and a Navy veteran, became a poster boy for the riot after wild photos of him shirtless, clutching a spear and sitting in the Senate president’s chair were widely circulated.

Three days after the building breach, he was hit with charges including civil disorder, violent entry and disorderly conduct — and had previously faced up to 28 years behind bars.


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