Acts of mass non compliance have slowly eroded the state’s narrative on Covid-19…
Ron Paul is right to point out the clear trend all over the country: people are deeply opposed to vaccine mandates, and increasingly unwilling to cooperate with the Covid cult at all.
Indeed, numerous lawsuits and pushback from states, organizations and individuals have been bolstered by the recent court ruling to halt Biden’s tyrannical mandate.
When faced with tyranny there is always an opportunity for growth, and soul-searching. People learn to love liberty in times of tyranny.
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In fact, this is true in all areas of life, there is always a learning opportunity when go through a difficult challenge, or a trying time.
Ron Paul tells us:
The value of individual liberty is becoming evident to more & more people.
With government in everyone's face, attempting to coerce chemicals into everyone's body, the pain of losing freedom has become very real.
One tends to see how precious freedom is once it has been lost.
— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) November 6, 2021
Ron Paul writes, via CNS News:
The Biden vaccine mandate appears to be falling apart before it’s even in place. From first responders to truck drivers to everyone in-between, the message is clear: many thousands are willing to be fired from their jobs rather than be forced to take a medical procedure they do not want.
They have leverage and they are using it. We should support them.
I don’t put a lot of faith in FDA approval, but it does mean something LEGALLY.
According to CDC’s VaccineFinder website, the FDA approved vaccine is nowhere to be found in the US.
How can the government, or even a private employer, LEGALLY mandate a drug that isn’t approved?
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) November 12, 2021
Read this before submitting to any vaccine mandate for children
— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) November 11, 2021
Fox News covered yet another legal challenge to Biden’s mandate:
This is one of several lawsuits going on. Our lawsuit is the first one and ours focuses on the Biden administration attempting to have federal employees and federal contractors mandate that their employees get the vaccine. We think it’s clearly unconstitutional.
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