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Did Nancy Pelosi Just Claim That Climate Change is Sexist Against Women?


Nancy Pelosiis trying to outdo her own crazy on a daily basis.

The latest example comes during the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, where Pelosi suggested that climate change was sexist.

Pelosi claimed that 80% of all the people displaced by climate change throughout the globe were women.

She went on to say that addressing the rapid change in climate was a matter of justice and equality.

The United Nations further claimed that social, economic, and cultural factors were the reason behind climate change’s sexism.

As always with democrats, everything is sexist, or racist, or biggoted in some manner…

Fox News has more on Pelosi's latest crazy claim:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who led a Democratic congressional delegation at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow Tuesday, said women around the world are more exposed to climate change’s negative impact.

"It’s a threat multiplier that amplifies and accelerates existing inequities," she said during "gender day" at the summit, according to the New York Times. "Eighty percent of people displaced by climate change globally are women."

The United Nations, which organized the summit, said women are more vulnerable to climate change due to social, economic and cultural factors.

If you can stand to watch it, here's Pelosi's speech:

Why does everything that comes from the democrats have to be a contest of who's the bigger victim?

Here's more on the UN echoing Pelosi's claim from the New York Post:

The United Nations, which organized the summit, said women are more vulnerable to climate change due to social, economic and cultural factors.

“Seventy percent of the 1.3 billion people living in conditions of poverty are women,” the U.N. said in a report. The report continued, “Women represent a high percentage of poor communities that are highly dependent on local natural resources for their livelihood, particularly in rural areas where they shoulder the major responsibility for household water supply and energy for cooking and heating, as well as for food security.”


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