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NYC Will Start Paying Children $100 To Get Vaccinated


This is wrong on so many levels.

Just a week after the FDA placed the Pfizer’s children vaccine under an EUA label; New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio is looking to pay children to get vaccinated.

DeBlasio in one of his last press releases declared that all children 5 to 11 years old who get vaccinated will be eligible for a $100 pre-paid gift card.

He went on to say that NYC has already started vaccinating children and are planning to have elementary schools hosts vaccination clinics starting on Monday.

The Daily Mail had more on the story:

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced New York City will begin paying children between the ages of five and 11 $100 each to get their COVID-19 vaccine as parents lined up to get their kids their first shot.

Earlier this week De Blasio announced that the city would begin vaccinating children ages five to 11 at city run sites starting Thursday and in schools on Monday after the FDA approved Pfizer’s two-dose shot.

A total of 300,000 vaccine doses have been ordered in a mad dash to vaccinate kids – even as controversy rages over whether the low-risk age group should get the jab.

De Blasio announced that following Wednesday’s final authorization from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, city-run Covid vaccination sites will offer children ages 5-11 the FDA-approved Pfizer vaccine.

In a press conference on Thursday, De Blasio confirmed that children will also be eligible for the $100 vaccine bonus first announced for adults who received the vaccine from June 30: ‘Everyone could use a little more money around the holidays’ and that it ‘buys a whole lot of candy.’

The city’s COVID vaccine incentive program includes a $100 pre-paid debit card with proof of first dose.

De Blasio even admitted that he was taking advantage of children; check out this report by the Washington Times:

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says he found a way to get families with kids ages 5 to 11 into the COVID-19 vaccine clinic: Pay ‘em.

Mr. de Blasio said parents who bring in their kids will get a $100 incentive payment as he tries to get as many children immunized as possible before Christmas.

“We really want kids to take advantage, families take advantage of that,” Mr. de Blasio, a Democrat, said Thursday. “Everyone could use a little more money around the holidays. But, most importantly, we want our kids and our families to be safe.”

It looks like de Blasio is taking a page out of Biden’s book.

Previously the Biden admin was offering beer to vaccinated adults.


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