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Thousands of Air Force Members Refuse Vaccine Mandate!


The United State Air Force has become the first military branch to see mass refusal to take the experimental COVID jab.

All military branches were directed by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on August 25th to be vaccinated.

All active duty members were expected to have at least the first injection by November 2nd.

Around 12,000 military members have declined any vaccination, and the Air Force allegedly has the highest rate of refusals.

While the exact numbers have not been released, a report from claims that the vaccination rate of Air Force members has declined significantly in recent weeks.

Fox News has more on the thousands of US Air Force members who are refusing the experimental injection.

The Air Force is the first military branch to face mass refusal for the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate since it was issued in August, according to a report by The Washington Post.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on Aug. 25 directed all military branches to ensure service members receive the vaccine as numbers surged over the summer. Active duty members have until Nov. 2 to have started at least one dose of a vaccine regimen, while National Guard and Reserve members have until Dec. 2 to comply, the Air Force announced on Sept. 3.

Some 12,000 personnel have declined any vaccination regimen – down from around 60,000 at the start of October, according to the Post.

Here's more on the surge in refusals from Newsmax:

Up to 12,000 Air Force personnel have refused to get fully vaccinated against coronavirus despite a Pentagon mandate, and officials say it's too late for them to do so by the Tuesday deadline, The Washington Post reported Thursday night.

The situation involving 3% of all active-duty airmen creates the first major test of Pentagon leaders who in late August announced that military personnel were required to get vaccinated.

The Post reported that more than 96% of active-duty airmen are at least partially vaccinated, according to Air Force data.

Pentagon officials, though, have warned that service members who defy the order to be fully vaccinated are subject to punishment, including possible dismissal from the service, or they could be charged in military courts, the Post said.

40 Air Force recruits were discharged earlier this week for refusing the COVID jab.


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