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ON THE GROUND REPORT: NYC Municipal Workers Shut Down Brooklyn Bridge in Epic Protest, 50 to 70 Thousand March to City Hall


After yesterday’s buzz over the “Stand with Kyrie” protest at Barclays Center, I predicted Monday as a potentially historic day for NYC.

And it surpassed my wildest expectations.

City workers showed up by the tens of thousands to rise up against De Blasio’s tyrannical COVID-19 jab mandates.

Like the Barclays Center, I’m reporting from the event and will give you the full scoop of the action.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I highly doubt mainstream media will provide accurate coverage of this historic protest.

FDNY organized this protest and joined forces with other city workers impacted by De Blasio’s mandate.

That includes FDNY, NYPD, EMS, Sanitation, Department of Education, and other hard-working New Yorkers that make the city function.

While DOE workers got fired weeks ago for not receiving the COVID-19 jab, the mandate trickled down to the remainder of city workers this week.

Unvaccinated city workers have until Friday 10/29 to receive one dose or else they lose their livelihood.

In response, this coalition of workers and their supporters staged a massive rally to tell De Blasio to shove his mandate where the sun doesn’t shine.

Protestors gathered at 9 MetroTech Plaza before marching across the Brooklyn Bridge.

I tagged along a group of 2-3 dozen firefighters and arrived to several thousand FDNY members already there.

By noon, the crowd continued to swell and began marching onward to the Brooklyn Bridge.

Some workers wore their uniforms and others brought their family members.

Civilians joined the protest to show support for the workers on the brink of losing their jobs.

Early estimates said the crowd was 10 to 20 thousand protestors.

But counting the number of marchers was difficult to calculate and impossible to capture in one shot.

Final estimates had the crowd anywhere between 50 to 70 thousand protestors.

Don’t expect any news source to give you that estimate.

Here’s some of the epic footage:

After arriving at City Hall, speakers representing different workforces spoke to the massive audience.

Protestors closed the event with a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner:

After the protest, some stuck around to celebrate freedom with songs and dance.

Recording artist Jimmy Levy played his hit songs “Matrix” and “This Is A War.”

Unsurprisingly, the media attempted to undercount the size of the crowd.

From the New York Post:

Days after the mayor announced that all government employees except for jail staff will need to receive a vaccine shot by Friday or be placed on unpaid leave, about 5,000 incensed demonstrators marched over the Brooklyn Bridge to Manhattan.

Many carried American flags, chanting, “F-k de Blasio” and “We will not comply!”

Some protestors wore NYPD and FDNY shirts, and hoisted Gadsden “Don’t Tread on Me” flags, while others took to the extreme of wearing yellow stars of David to compare the inoculation requirement to Nazi Germany’s persecution of Jews.

“Now, [after] working after countless of emergencies — Hurricane Sandy, the snowstorms … I am under threat. We are under threat of losing our livelihood for simply retaining the choice of protecting our bodies,” fumed firefighter Sofia Medina after the crowd reached City Hall.


Really New York Post?

There’s more than 5,000 in their cover photo alone.

The crowd stretched roughly the entire span of the Brooklyn Bridge.

And there’s overflow behind the cameraman around City Hall.


FOX 5 had a more dishonest estimate:

Hundreds of New York City municipal workers marched over the Brooklyn Bridge and then held a rally outside of City Hall on Monday to protest vaccine mandates. Workers chanted “F*** your shot” and waved American flags.

The city announced that all city employees will have to have at least one vaccine shot by this Friday or they will be put on unpaid leave. This changes a policy that would allow non-vaccinated employees to undergo regular testing.

The media doesn’t want you to know that somewhere between 50,000 to 70,000 angry city workers marched the streets of NYC.

And they’re terrified for you to realize the diversity amongst the crowd.

Mainstream media won’t televise the people banding together and rising up to medical tyranny.


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