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SUPER-SPREADER? Biden Coughs On Hand And Spreads His Germs Everywhere…


If this had been President Trump, the MSM would have surely made it sound like the end of humanity…..

A super-spreader!

A mad-man!


What a fool!

I could write the headlines in my sleep.

But with Biden?


Good thing we’re here to cover it.

Check out how lost and sad this guy looks wandering off the stage like he lost his mommy in a department store and can’t find her…..

Meanwhile coughing on his hand and then shaking dozens of hands.

No mask, of course.

What happened to that anyway?

Did we all just stop doing that?

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Trust Fox News?



Kind of like the vaxx mandates will just disappear soon if ignored?

Maybe so.

Watch here on Rumble:


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