Mass non-compliance is the only way to defeat tyrannical COVID-19 jab mandates.
If workers band together and refuse to comply, systems will collapse.
We witnessed the success of the Southwest protest earlier this week.
Other workers have joined the fight against medical tyranny.
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While the Fake News Media turned a blind eye, General Electric federal contract workers staged a walkout at an Ohio jobsite.
750 GE employees walked off the job and stood against Biden’s dictatorial edict.
Footage of the protest went viral after a GE engineer sent clips to The Gateway Pundit.
Watch below:
General Electric employees in Ohio walk off their jobs in protest of vaccine mandates.#DoNotComply
— Uncensored USA 🇺🇸 (@CarlosSimancas) October 21, 2021
Today, GE employees are protesting vaccine mandates and Netflix employees are protesting comedy.
Somewhere in Cuba, an unvaccinated 58-year old factory worker is turning old sneakers into a raft.
— Steve Faktor (@ideafaktory) October 21, 2021
750 GE employees walked out in protest of the Biden Vaccine Mandates Wednesday in Ohio.
This did not make the national news for some reason?
It was sent to The Gateway Pundit by a GE engineer friend.— Eduardo Barranco (@Eduardo85899698) October 21, 2021
GE employees plan walkout over vacc-ine man-dates.
This is how it's done folks…
— USS Deplorable Listless Vessel (@DouleurExquise3) October 21, 2021
When asked for a response to the walkout, a spokesperson for GE said: "All GE U.S. employees will be fully vaccinated or receive a medical or religious accommodation by December 8th as required in the order."
— Puppy (@liberalpuppy) October 21, 2021
Via @LivesSanity "Only 20 percent of the GE contract employees in Cincinnati, OH are reportedly vaccinated…the rest are protesting! More protests are scheduled for next week. HOLD THE LINE!!"
— Justin Hart (@justin_hart) October 21, 2021
Here’s backup footage of the walkout via Rumble:
More protests are scheduled for next week.
Reports indicate that only 20 percent GE contract employees have received the experimental COVID-19 jab.
WYFF 4 shared this report:
The companywide mandate at GE falls in line with the Biden administration’s executive order that requires all federal contractors to be vaccinated.
“There’s going to be people out here who are vaccinated. It’s just, we feel like the government has no business coming into our place of work, threatening our employment, threatening our employer,” said Neil Slater, an employee who was protesting.
“It should be my choice and my choice only. Between me and my doctor,” said Lane Stott, another employee, of the vaccine. “I will lose my job if it comes to this, me taking this shot. Because I will not take it.”
Others, like Truman Horner, said they’d be willing to work remotely to avoid getting vaccinated.
“It’s not like I haven’t already considered getting vaccinated,” said Horner. “We’ve made the best decision for our family, a well-informed decision already and for the President or my employer to come and try to overrule that is just very deeply, personally offensive.”
When asked for a response to the walkout, a spokesperson for GE said: “All GE U.S. employees will be fully vaccinated or receive a medical or religious accommodation by December 8th as required in the order.”
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