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Governor DeSantis Announces Emergency Legislative Session to Fight Private Sector Vaccine Mandates


Governor DeSantis announced an Emergency Legislative Session to BAN employee vaccine mandates.

Earlier this year, the Florida legislature passed a bill that bans COVID-19 Vaccine Passports for entry and access to services.

The legislation applies to government entities, businesses, and educational institutions.

Violation of this bill warrants a fine upwards of $5,000.

However, it does NOT ban vaccine requirements as a condition of employment.

There’s currently a proposed piece of legislation to ban employee vaccine mandates in the state of Florida.

State Representative Anthony Sabatini (R) introduced HB 75 to protect Floridians from tyrannical COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine mandates.

From the text of HB 75:

760.101 Discrimination based on vaccination status or
immunity passport.—It is an unlawful discriminatory practice for:
(1) A person or governmental entity to refuse, withhold
from, or deny a person any local or state services, goods, facilities, advantages, privileges, licensing, educational opportunities, health care access, or employment opportunities based on the person’s vaccination status or whether the person has an immunity passport;
(2) An employer to refuse employment to a person, bar a person from employment, or discriminate against a person in compensation or in a term, condition, or privilege of employment based on the person’s vaccination status or whether the person has an immunity passport; or
(3) A public accommodation to exclude, limit, segregate,
refuse to serve, or otherwise discriminate against a person based on the person’s vaccination status or whether the person has an immunity passport.

Rep. Anthony Sabatini has fought valiantly for the medical freedom of Floridians.

Sabatini led the charge to push this Emergency Legislative Session.

Sabatini is a steadfast America First voice in the Florida House of Representatives and currently running for Congress for Florida’s 7th District.

Governor DeSantis had this message to Floridians about the urgency to ban vaccination status as a condition of employment:

WFLA reported:

State leaders are fighting back against an OSHA vaccination requirement and a federal mandate for employees of the U.S. Government, which includes contractors for industries such as space, according to the governor.

DeSantis said if they don’t comply, they lose business, so the governor and attorney general will be contesting the rule in court.

He said it has an impact on thousands of workers in the state, and promised to also fight back against threats to Medicaid and Medicare funding for those who are not vaccinated and hospitals that receive funding from CMS, the federal department that administers Medicaid and Medicare, due to vaccine rules.

The governor also took a swipe against businesses that are using vaccinations as a requirement of employment, even when workers file for religious exemptions. DeSantis said this goes against state laws, such as SB 2006 which bans vaccine passports and levels $5,000 fines for each individual violation.

DeSantis announced a series of issues for the legislature to address.

They include:

-Businesses honoring religious exemptions

-Businesses held liable for damages for forcing injections that lead to adverse reactions

DeSantis asserted to Floridians the state will support your choice if you refuse the experimental COVID-19 jab.


“Your right to earn a living is not contingent upon whatever choices you’re making in terms of these injections,” DeSantis said.

National File provided additional details:

More legislation would also be drafted that would tackle mask mandates, especially in schools, and would look to give parents “the freedom to opt their children out of mask mandates.”

DeSantis’s office cited statistics from the state’s Department of Health, showing no correlation between COVID-19 infections and counties which have parent mask mandate opt-outs.

“Your right to earn a living should not be contingent upon COVID shots,” DeSantis said at a press conference.

“When the vaccines first came out, we worked very hard to provide it, particularly to our elderly, but we said from day one: we will make it available for all, but we will mandate it on none because ultimately we want individuals to make the determinations about what is right for them. I want a state in which people are able to maintain their livelihoods, earn a living, and provide for their families. And if the federal government or big corporations are hurting people, then we have a responsibility to step up and lead.”


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