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NEW Statement From President Trump!


The America first agenda continues to move ahead.

President Trump has been hard at work, pushing for endorsements of candidates who will stand up for the interests of this country—not China’s interests, and not the interests of fat cat globalists like Bill Gates.

His latest call is for Wisconsin Congressman Sean Duffy to run for governor of the state…..

It remains to be seen whether or not Duffy will take on Democrat Tony Evers, but perhaps President Trump’s encouragement was just the nudge he needed.

While we are on the subject of Wisconsin, who could forget that under the reign of Evers over 80,000 ballots went missing during the 2020 election…..

Here’s what President Trump had to say about Duffy:

The endorsement caught the eye of Newsmax:

He and his wife Rachel both entered into the limelight when they first appeared together on MTV’s “Realworld.”


Although Wisconsin has swayed Republican in the past, as former GOP Gov. Scott Walker served there from 2011-2019, the race could be tight, according to Cook Political Reports. Cook Political Reports rated Wisconsin in early October as “lean Democrat.”

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel provided some details:

It’s unclear whether Duffy is even considering the idea, but Trump’s statement could signal hurdles for Kleefisch as she works to unify the Republican grassroots with whom Trump remains popular.

Duffy, born in Hayward, has about $2 million in his federal campaign account, according to a recent Federal Elections Commission filing.


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