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Cameraman Captures the Moment a Bird S*** on CNN’s Don Lemon


What are the odds?

CNN’s Don Lemon was walking his three tiny dogs.

And then a bird pooped on him.

The best part?

A cameraman was present to capture the moment.

Here’s where things get a little odd:

Don Lemon thought that this was something worth bragging about on social media.

In fact, he even claimed that the birds pooping on him was good luck.

See his post below:

Perhaps the reason Don Lemon is posting about bird S*** is because he’s trying to distract his viewers.

From what?

Well, a sexual assault allegation has been made against the CNN host.

The case will now be tried and heard in court.

According to Newsbusters:

l report Tuesday, the sexual assault accusations against CNN’s Don Lemon is expected to land in court sometime in January 2022. This development came just as allegations of sexual harassment were raised against Lemon’s close friend and fellow CNN prime time host Chris Cuomo last week.

“The attorney for the man who accused fellow CNN host Don Lemon of a sexually charged assault expects the case to finally end up in court early next year after a prolonged legal process,” said senior media reporter Brian Flood.

The report noted that it’s been two years since the lawsuit was filed in August of 2019 “accusing the ‘CNN Tonight’ host of assault and battery at a bar,” and three years since the alleged incident took place. A combination of a “lengthy discovery process and the coronavirus pandemic” was what had kept them from getting to court.

The details in the lawsuit were graphic and showed a side of Lemon not seen during his normal show, but perhaps his annual drunken benders as part of CNN’s New Year’s Eve debauchery:

“[Lemon] put his hand down the front of his own shorts, and vigorously rubbed his genitalia, removed his hand and shoved his index and middle fingers into Plaintiff’s mustache and under Plaintiff’s nose,” according to the lawsuit, filed Aug. 11, 2019 in Suffolk County Court.

“Lemon intensely pushed his fingers against Plaintiff’s face under Plaintiff’s nose, forcing Plaintiff’s head thrust backward as Defendant repeatedly asked Plaintiff ‘Do you like p—y or d–k?’ While saying this, Mr. Lemon continued to shove his fingers into Plaintiff’s face with aggression and hostility,” the suit alleged.

This year has been terrible for Democrats and sexual assault allegations against them.

First, Governor Cuomo was forced out of New York leadership over claims against him.

Will the same happen to Don Lemon?

Either way, it appears that the birds love Don Lemon… and that Lemon loves the birds!

Never forget….

Liberals were obsessed with a fly landing on Mike Pence’s hair.

Isn’t bird s*** worse than a fly?

If they would mock Pence for a fly, shouldn’t they mock Lemon for bird poop?

CNN reported that SNL even created a skit around the fly:

Last week “Saturday Night Live” took on the first presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

This week it was Mike Pence and Kamala Harris’ turn.

The NBC variety show kicked off Saturday night’s episode by mocking the debate between Vice President Pence, who was played by Beck Bennett, and Harris, who was played by Maya Rudolph.

“Good evening, I’m Susan Page, and I missed book club for this,” Kate McKinnon, playing the moderator, said. “Tonight you’ll notice that between the candidates we’ve installed buffet style sneeze guards on account that one of you works for patient zero.”

McKinnon’s Page then asked her first question to Bennett’s Pence.

“The topic is coronavirus,” she said.

“Damn it,” Bennett’s Pence responded.

Rudolph’s Harris and Bennett’s Pence bantered back and forth before getting to the subject of the health of President Trump.

“As you heard from his primary physician, Dr. Handsome Liar, Trump is in peak physical condition,” Bennett’s Pence said.

He then accused Rudolph’s Harris of not taking a potential coronavirus vaccine.

“Look, if Dr. Fauci says a vaccine is good, I will be the first in line like it’s an Anne Taylor sample sale,” she said. “But if Trump says it’s safe, I will throw that vaccine in the trash like last week’s shrimp pad thai.”

But the “SNL” VP debate was more than just Harris and Pence. It also included Jim Carrey’s Joe Biden watching at home.”I need to do something, I need to teleport to that debate and save the soul of this nation,” he said.

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Carrey’s Biden then got into a teleportation machine, which accidentally turned him into the fly that landed on Pence’s head at the debate.

It also quickly transformed him into Jeff Goldblum, who starred in the 1986 film “The Fly.”

We don’t know about you, but to us, bird s*** on a CNN anchor is more funny than a fly landing on the vice president of the United States.

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