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Highly Vaccinated Iceland & Gibraltar DESTROY COVID-19 Vaccine Passport Narrative


It’s been drilled in our heads that this a “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.”

The mainstream media and health overlords have painted a picture that casts unvaccinated individuals as lepers of society.

Dirty people responsible for all of the world’s problems.

Super spreaders taking up valuable space in the hospital.

But that narrative is falling apart thanks to the world’s most vaccinated countries.

Let’s take Gibraltar first.

Located on the southern coast of Spain, the British overseas territory fully vaccinated 99% of its roughly 34,000 residents by June 1st.

COVID-19 is supposed to be gone, right?

But cases have exploded in July.

Despite virtually everyone being double jabbed, restrictions are coming back.

Now let’s investigate the Nordic island nation of Iceland.

Iceland has a population of around 369,000 individuals.

The ‘Land of Fire and Ice’ has vaccinated roughly 90% of its adult population and briefly dropped all domestic restrictions the previous months.

Everything back to normal, right?

Iceland has witnessed an explosion of cases the previous two weeks and restrictions have returned with a vengeance.

Iceland has reinstituted masks, social distancing, and lockdowns in response to the spike in cases.

Despite one of the world’s highest vaccination rates, Iceland continues to set new daily case records.

In fact, Worldometer indicates Iceland set another daily record on the day of this writing.

And Iceland’s top epidemiologist suggested lockdowns could last up to 15 years, basically making them permanent.

Despite full compliance from the small countries, they’ve gone full circle and find themselves back to square one.

And this comes after near 100% vaccination of their populations.

With the drastic increase in COVID-19 cases in the highly vaccinated countries, the vaccine passport argument can officially be trashed.

The soaring cases is most likely due to antibody-dependent enhancement, explained brilliantly here by mRNA vaccine technology inventor Dr. Robert Malone.

Infowars reported:

Stats coming out of several countries show vaccinated people are spreading Covid-19, as evidence mounts the vaccine is actually causing viral variants and infections as experts predicted.

In Gibraltar, a peninsula in Spain, almost 99% of the population is fully vaccinated – that’s according to info provided by Google.

Despite the high vaccination rate, Covid cases appear to be on the rise, increasing by 2,500 percent per day.

The data is consistent with stats seen in Israel which show the delta variant running rampant despite a majority of the population being fully vaccinated.

On Tuesday, it was reported by Israeli media that people who were already infected with Covid were 7 times less likely to be reinfected than those who were vaccinated, speaking to the power of natural immunity.

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Trust Fox News?

Likewise, in Iceland, an island where nearly the entire adult population is vaccinated, Covid cases are similarly on the rise.

“The country is a vaccinators’ paradise,” reported journalist Alex Berensen. “90% of people 40-70 and 98% (!) of those over 70 are fully vaccinated.”

On Tuesday, Iceland’s chief epidemiologist even suggested some COVID-19 lockdown restrictions could remain in place for up to 15 years.

Undeniable proof that compliance to these Orwellian lockdowns and experimental injections will NEVER earn your freedom back.

Only the people can end this tyranny across the globe.

Share far and wide to hopefully wake up more of the mind-warped zombies who still think this entire agenda is about a virus.


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