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Fascist Israel! Prime Minister Naftali Bennett Calls Unvaccinated a Danger to Society & Angry Citizens Respond


I’ve watched the Israeli situation closely the past several months.

And it’s no surprise that the country has reached this point.

When Netanyahu was prime minister, he sold out his citizens to Pfizer to put Israel first in line to receive the experimental jabs.

Netanyahu wanted to give Pfizer their safety trials and Israeli citizens were the test subjects.

Israel soon became one of the world’s most vaccinated countries.

But since then, we’ve seen a transition of power.

Naftali Bennett is now the prime minister of Israel.

However, the rhetoric is more dangerous.

It’s downright fascist against those who refuse to be Big Pharma lab rats.


Unvaccinated people are officially considered lepers.

Dangers to society.

Responsible for all of the country’s problems.

Where have we heard this rhetoric before?

This is what tyrannical control freaks spew before the lepers get carried off to concentration camps or gulags.

And I’m not exaggerating, it’s the exact same rhetoric.

But now it’s directed at those who desire medical freedom.

In Israel, it’s now “Papers Please” if you opt out of the Big Pharma experiment.

And freedom-loving Israelis have responded to their fascist prime minister.

A group of protestors arrived at the prime minister’s residence after his speech.

The fascist bootlickers met the protestors with violence:

Despite the brutality, Israelis fighting for freedom aren’t backing down.

Watch this amazing speech from one citizen:

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Caldron Pool reported:

From August 8, Israelis will be required to carry vaccination papers if they wish to participate in any social activity that involves more than 100 people, such as going to a cinema, sports game, or synagogue.

All Israelis will be required to provide either a vaccination certificate or a recent negative test result, at their own expense, whenever authorities demand “Your papers, please.”

In his Thursday media address, Bennett urged vaccinated citizens to “persuade” the unvaccinated by accusing them of “hurting others,” and to “not give up” applying social pressure until they submit to the injection.

Bennet said those who refuse the vaccine “hurt us all,” claiming that if 1 million citizens, of the state’s 9 million, refuse the vaccine, then that would force the remaining 8 million to “shut themselves in their homes,” neglecting families, studies, and work.

At this point, the only thing seemingly missing is some sort of brightly colored badge for social identification with the inscription, “Unvaxxed Jude.”


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