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Dr. Joseph Mercola: “Analysis Proves SARS-CoV-2 Lab Origin”


Dr. Mercola says he can prove Covid-19 came from a lab.

The likelihood that this virus came from a bat out in the wild is just way too low—impossible, some may say.

His new report details his analysis and conclusion that this is a laboratory leak, and this analysis clashes with the narrative deep state talking heads and the mainstream media maintained for so long.

I wonder when the official narrative will completely crumble, but it really shouldn’t be too long now.

Even Fauci has shown signs of changing his tune recently, and evidence recently surfaced revealing that he had warned European leaders of a potential lab leak at an earlier date.

Knowing all this, I think that the lab leak hypothesis isn’t too far away from being considered a matter of fact.

Dr.Mercola points out some interesting facts:

Dr. Mercola’s article appeared on Freedom First Network:

“It’s exactly the same thing we do when we have a favorite baseball team and we watch it during the season. Before the season, we know what they did last year. We know who the new players are, the new coaches, all those things, and we come up with what we call a prior prediction.

We rank the teams according to what we think will happen at the World Series, and that’s what’s called our prior, our posterior probabilities. Then the season happens and you start winning games, losing games, people get injured, new players, transfers, and you update that every week.

At the start of the World Series, you’re probably quite far from where you were at the beginning of the season, because you’re now down to two teams but, nonetheless, you still don’t know the final analysis. One of the caveats for this 140-page work is, at the end, although I say there’s a 1 in 500 chance it came from nature, but that means … 499 times out of 500 it came from a laboratory.”

The New York Post revealed:

The Biden administration took one giant step closer to admitting that the coronavirus was leaked from a Chinese lab, a theory once derided as fanciful fiction.

An increasing number of senior administration officials engaged in a probe of the virus are now backing the theory that the virus could have emerged from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, according to a CNN report.

Although officials still remain divided on whether the virus emerged from nature, passing from animals to humans, the acknowledgment marks a shift from the scorn that was heaped on former President Trump and a group of European scientists who first brought up the lab-leak theory during the height of the pandemic last year.


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