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Is Biden Selling Access to the Oval Office with Hunter’s Art?


News has surfaced that even has Democrats shaking their heads in disbelief. It seems Joe & Hunter’s blatantly corrupt behavior is getting out of hand even for the Left to cover up.

The Biden administration has just helped Hunter Biden iron out a deal where buyers of his $500K art will be kept secret.

If you thought that was fishy. You aren’t the only one. The Daily Wire was quick to report on this.

Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration has reportedly helped his son, Hunter Biden, create an agreement that will allow buyers of his suspiciously expensive artwork — which could be listed as high as $500,000 — to remain completely secret from the American people.

“Under an arrangement negotiated in recent months, a New York gallery owner is planning to set prices for the art and will withhold all records, including potential bidders and final buyers,” The Washington Post reported. “

Doesn’t this give you “Ukrainian Oil Oligarchs” vibes all over again?

After all, Hunter doesn’t have any formal training as an artist. By all accounts, he’s picked this up much like middle aged men pick up barbecuing or golf. Who would buy art from a man that isn’t an artist?

Most likely the same kinds of people who give you a 7-figure position in an industry you have no experience in. Looking at you Ukraine.

Additionally, if you spent $500,000 on a painting, wouldn’t you want all your rich friends to know it was you?

Unless, you didn’t want to be known because it wasn’t about the painting. It’s about the access the “artist” gives you because you bought it.

It’s becoming apparent that Hunter’s paintings are merely tickets to the most powerful office in America.

Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration has reportedly helped his son, Hunter Biden, create an agreement that will allow buyers of his suspiciously expensive artwork — which could be listed as high as $500,000 — to remain completely secret from the American people.

“Under an arrangement negotiated in recent months, a New York gallery owner is planning to set prices for the art and will withhold all records, including potential bidders and final buyers,” The Washington Post reported. “

Ethics experts from both sides of the aisle are coming against this move by Joe Biden in favor of his son’s business dealings.

Ethics officials, including Democrats, have slammed the administration for the move, noting the highly suspicious nature of the work given the fact that Hunter Biden is not a famous artist and that he will be charging extremely high prices for his work.

“The whole thing is a really bad idea,” said Richard Painter, a former White House ethics official. “The initial reaction a lot of people are going to have is that he’s capitalizing on being the son of a president and wants people to give him a lot of money. I mean, those are awfully high prices.”

You have to love how Hunter thinks he’s being an evil genius by adding this one portion to his hustle. This will throw Americans off the scent for sure.

The deal, according to The Washington Post, will keep the purchases secret “from even the artist himself.”

Classic Hunter Biden. You did it again, you’ve outsmarted us. How do we know everything is legit? Cause Hunter said so.

It’s angering to think that Liberals feel they can get away with everything and anything. While Americans were forced into lockdown and unable to work, Joe and his kids get to make millions.

It’s clear to see that Hunter without the last name Biden would be selling his “art” on the side of the road, not in a prestigious gallery sanctioned by the White House. Check out what this elite gallery owner had to say about it.

Marc Straus, owner of a high-end art gallery in New York City, told the Post that “nobody would ever start at these prices” in the world of high-end art, especially when the person has no professional training and has never sold art professionally.

“There has to be a résumé that reasonably supports when you get that high,” Straus said. “To me, it’s pure ‘how good is it and what’s this artist’s potential, what’s the résumé?’ On that basis, it would be an entirely different price. But you give it a name like Hunter Biden, maybe they’ll get the price.”

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And therein lies the problem. Hunter Biden’s corrupt behavior threatens American interests and security. On top of that, Joe using the most powerful office in the world to cover up his behavior smacks of corruption.

Joe and Hunter could be selling access to the office of the president to the highest bidder.

A foreign government could front someone to make a purchase, Painter said, or lobbyists could try to buy the art to win goodwill from the White House. Art purchases are notoriously hard to track, and last year the Treasury Department warned that the secondary market for high-value art, and the anonymity of purchasers, could allow foreigners to circumvent sanctions and gain access to the U.S. economy.

On the surface, this looks like a modern day bribery operation. What is happening with the Bidens is no different than someone presenting an African warlord with a briefcase full of cash for special “consideration”.

Joe is no better than the corrupt politicians selling access in third-world regimes.

If something like this took place with President Trump and one of his children, we all know the story would be completely different.


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