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EXPOSED: RINO Pollster Frank Luntz’s Research Is A Scam According To Ex Employees

Sources say that ex employees of the notable pollster are alleging that his research is completely without merit.


Frank Luntz is a classic RINO.

For years this guy has released his polling information which is staunchly anti-Trump. The worst part is that his research influences policy, so he isn’t just some useless pollster.

This guy reportedly has a lot of pull within The GOP.


Would it surprise you to know that all his research is completely phony and a farce? Well, that’s what his ex employees are alleging in various reports.

Personally, I don’t doubt what these people are saying.

The left has a densely packed and colorful history of faking hate crimes and making up data to make them look more victimized—it’s a classic leftist tactic.

Here is what everyone is saying:



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