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AZ Audit Update: Deleted Databases from Maricopa County Recovered!


With the mainstream media refusing to cover the Arizona audit, we’ve got breaking news for you tonight out of Maricopa County.

I’m excited to share some positive news with you guys!

Remember the report about the deleted databases from the 2020 election?

The ones deleted by the County moments before the election equipment was to be handed over for the audit?

It appears the deleted databases may have been recovered!

Initially, the Maricopa Arizona Audit announced the news of the deleted election databases on Twitter:

Why was the County deleting election databases from the 2020 election cycle?

What do they have to hide?

President Trump made a statement yesterday about the deleted files which crashed his new website.

In case you missed it, here is the statement from President Trump:


We all know Democrats are great at deleting files last-minute (cough cough Hillary).

The great news is it appears that the image Maricopa Arizona Audit tweeted shows the files that have been recovered by forensic IT teams.

The Gateway Pundit broke the news about the deleted files being recovered- check out what they had to say:

The deleted database files noted by the Arizona Senate in their letter to Maricopa County’s Board of Supervisors may have been recovered by the audit team.

This past week we reported the bombshell that there were files that were erased from the machines requested to audit in Maricopa County only days before providing the machines to the Senate’s auditors.

On Saturday it was reported that there is speculation going around the net (Codemonkey is back) that:

“The image is of all the files that have been UNDELETED. That shows it was recovered by the forensic IT teams. It’s not to show us that they were deleted it is to show that they HAVE IT ALL.”

ABC15 Arizona even discussed how the deleted files were recovered by the audit vendor CyFir:

Word of Fann’s letter initially went viral on social media when the Arizona audit Twitter account published a picture showing file names that were contained in a database directory that had been recently deleted, but were recovered by the audit vendor CyFir.

In the tweet, they accuse the county of deleting “a directory full of election databases from the 2020 election cycle days before the election equipment was delivered to the audit.”

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Trust Fox News?

Meanwhile, the mainstream media works to discredit the audit any chance they get.

CBS Evening News said the audit was based on ‘baseless claims’, and that the audit may be ‘violating election laws’. 

Check it out for yourself below:

As we know, there is nothing ‘baseless’ about the claims of election fraud.

Who deletes databases from election equipment before they are being turned over for an audit unless they have something to hide?

Another step in proving Biden’s illegitimacy, and one step closer to having our guy President Trump back.


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