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Psaki Shifts Blame, Claims Americans Only Think There’s a Border Crisis Because of the Media


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has done a profound job thus far of shifting any and all blame for America’s current problems away from Joe Biden and his administration.

She has done this specifically in regards to the current crisis taking place at our southern border.

Psaki has two favorite tactics in explaining the crisis:

Tactic #1: Blaming President Donad Trump

Tactic #2: Pretending the border crisis is a figment of everyone’s imagination.

Psaki apparently has now decided to switch up her tactics in explaining the border crisis ever so slightly.

She now claims that Americans only believe that a crisis exists because of the media.

That’s right, she’s blaming the same media that helped elevate the dead weight that is Joe Biden to his current status.

Daily Wire has the latest on Psaki's shifting of the blame:

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said last week that the reason Americans believe there is a crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border is because of “some components” of the “media.”

Psaki blamed the impression that the Southern border has plunged into chaos on media coverage while speaking on Thursday’s episode of CNN’s podcast, “The Axe Files with David Axelrod.”

More than two-thirds of Americans say the Biden administration is doing a “very” or “somewhat bad” job handling the illegal immigration crisis at the Southern border.

“A big driver” of those negative impressions, Psaki said, was “the nature of some components of social media and media these days.”

Axelrod, a former chief strategist under President Obama, described Psaki’s back-and-forth with the White House press corps as a “wrestling match you go through several times a week as to whether you’re going to call it a ‘crisis,’ or how you’re going to describe it,” Fox News reported.

The White House refused to use the term “crisis,” because “we just didn’t want to feed into that on this issue, or really any issue,” she added.

“To us, it’s like, ‘That wasn’t really a crisis; it was a huge challenge,’” Psaki told Axelrod.

Finding alternatives to the term “crisis” has marked Psaki’s tenure as the Biden administration’s most conspicuous public spokesperson during one of the worst border crises in modern history.

Illegal border crossings have skyrocketed since Biden revoked President Donald Trump’s Migrant Protection Protocols(MPP), which encouraged migrants to wait in other countries while they applied for asylum status.

The number of illegal immigrants arrested by the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has more than doubled since Joe Biden’s inauguration in January. The CBP arrested 172,331 illegal immigrants in March — including 19,000 children — up 71% in one month. Total border crossings in March reached the highest level in 15 years, according to The Washington Post.

Although the Biden administration has tried to suppress photos of unaccompanied minors being held in overcrowded facilities, images have emerged of children unable to observe social distancing.

This should come as no surprise to anyone.

Biden's administation has gone to great lengths to censor the truth.

Even Chris Wallace called out Psaki back in March, where he claimed that the Biden Administration had thus far been less transparent than the Trump Administration.

The Biden Administration is attempting to hide the truth from all Americans.

Psaki's claim that the media has helped perpetuate the idea of a border crisis is a bit perplexing given that the Biden administration has done everything in its power to censor the media.

To the naked eye, it appears that the administration is attempting to control the media.

A new report from the New York Post claims that members of the media are very unhappy with a new Biden policy requiring any and all quotes from administration officials be approved by a White House communications team before being published:

White House reporters are seething over a policy that requires them to submit quotes from interviews with Biden administration officials to the communications team for approval, editing or veto, according to a report on Tuesday.  

The White House is demanding that reporters who conduct interviews with administration officials do so under conditions known as “background with quote approval,” Politico reported.

The information from the interview can be used in a story, but for a reporter to be able to attach a name to the quote, the reporter must transcribe the comments and send them to the communications team, the report said.

At that point, the White House can approve them, edit them or veto their use.

Politico’s West Wing Playbook, which reported the practice, acknowledged that it participated in the arrangement when it did a piece about speechwriter Vinay Reddy that was up against a deadline.

And the report noted that the Obama administration and the Trump administration also used the arrangement, but the Trump communications team deployed it less often than the Biden White House.

The exercise is a carryover from the Biden presidential campaign and one that is irking White House reporters.

“The rule treats them like coddled Capitol Hill pages and that’s not who they are or the protections they deserve,” one reporter told Politico.

“Every reporter I work with has encountered the same practice,” another reporter said.

But while individual reporters have fumed over the arrangement, there has yet to be a coordinated response against it among the White House pool.

“The only way the press has the power to push back against this is if we all band together,” said the first reporter.

The report said at least one White House reporting team has been having discussions about reaching out to other media outlets to present a unified front to administration officials.

The Biden Administration is lying to the American people.


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