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A Virginia Cop Is Fired For Donating To The Kyle Rittenhouse Defense Fund


The woke crowd is tracking every micro decision you make…

A Virginia cop was recently fired for donating to a legal defense fund for Kyle Rittenhouse.

Police Lt. William Kelly donated $25  but was tracked down after a breach on the crowdfunding site occurred.

Norfolk Virginia’s City Manager Chip Filer said he’d received an internal investigation of the incident and decided that Kelly violated the department’s policies.

So, helping people pay for an attorney and saying “God bless. Thank you for your courage. Keep your head up.” can now cost you your job in today’s woke America.

Check out what the New York Post had to say about the officer being fired for just giving a donation:

A police officer in Virginia was fired after donating to a legal defense fund for Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, officials said Tuesday.

Norfolk police Lt. William Kelly anonymously gave $25 to a fundraiser for Rittenhouse in September, using his city email address, according to the Guardian.

The donation reportedly came with a comment: “God bless. Thank you for your courage. Keep your head up. You’ve done nothing wrong.”

“Every rank and file police officer supports you,” the message continued. “Don’t be discouraged by actions of the political class of law enforcement leadership.”

Norfolk City Manager Chip Filer on Tuesday said he’d reviewed an internal investigation of the incident and determined that Kelly violated city and departmental policies, local outlet WAVY-TV reported.

America is so twisted nowadays.

If the officer would’ve donated to an abortion clinic he would still have his job.

The Guardian had more on the story, they give a bit of a liberal bias though:

A data breach at a Christian crowdfunding website has revealed that serving police officers and public officials have donated money to fundraisers for accused vigilante murderers, far-right activists, and fellow officers accused of shooting black Americans.

In many of these cases, the donations were attached to their official email addresses, raising questions about the use of public resources in supporting such campaigns.

The breach, shared with journalists by transparency group Distributed Denial of Secrets, revealed the details of some donors who had previously attempted to conceal their identities using GiveSendGo’s anonymity feature, but whose identifying details the website preserved.

The beneficiaries of donations from public officials include Kyle Rittenhouse, who stands accused of murdering two leftwing protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last August. Rittenhouse traveled from neighboring Illinois to, by his own account, offer armed protection to businesses during protests over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

The far-left is attempting to track your every move.

They have already come after every major corporation and now they want you.

Just look at officer Kelly…


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