Turns out that BLM is a profitable business…
Who knew?
Oh wait… given all the accusations of paid protestors, professional agitators, and busloads of riot gear shipped into cities during the summer of 2020, it shouldn’t be a surprise.
There is clearly a lot of money to be made if you are involved in BLM.
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How much?
Well, the co-founder of BLM is now accused of purchasing a $1.4 million home with money from just one fundraising effort.
You’d think that the money would be used to… you know… actually help the organization achieve its mission.
But perhaps the leaders are just grifters…
Playing on the pliable emotions of the masses.
We report – you decide.
Initial reports claim that the home is in a predominantly white neighborhood.
And again, we want to reiterate the claims that this home was purchased NOT through a salary, but through funds raised under the guise of BLM.
The Daily Wire reports:
After reports that a $1.4 million home in a secluded area of Los Angeles whose population is reputedly less than 2% black was sold to one of the founders of the Black Lives Matter movement, some black conservative commentators took her to task.
On Wednesday, dirt.com reported, “A secluded mini-compound tucked into L.A.’s rustic and semi-remote Topanga Canyon was recently sold for a tad more than $1.4 million to a corporate entity that public records show is controlled by Patrisse Khan-Cullors, 37-year-old social justice visionary and co-founder of the galvanizing and, for some, controversial Black Lives Matter movement.”
Outkick’s Jason Whitlock commented, “Black Lives Matter founder buys $1.4 million home in Topanga, which has a black population of 1.4%. She’s with her people!”
Jamil Jivani, the founder of the Policing Literacy Initiative, echoed, “I can’t believe how badly some people got played by BLM. Wow.”
In January, as The Daily Wire reported, Whitlock described Black Lives Matter and Antifa as being similar to the Ku Klux Klan because they acted as the modern-day “enforcement arm” of the Democratic Party.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked Whitlock, “You mentioned the BLM movement that really kind of took over a lot of the country, funded by our most powerful corporations over the summer. That is a political movement. Put it in context for us. What would you compare that to?”
“Well, I compare Black Lives Matter to the KKK. I really do,” Whitlock answered. “And some people don’t understand it, but if you go back to the 1860s, after the Emancipation Proclamation, the KKK was started, and it was the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party. And what’s the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party right now? Black Lives Matter and Antifa. They will come to your home and violate your home, try to intimidate the people in your home if they disagree with you politically.”
“Black Lives Matter [is] a Marxist organization,” Whitlock continued. “Marxism is hostile towards religion; that’s why I’m glad you went there today. These are atheist values being expressed from our leaders, demonizing individual citizens here in America, branding them as white supremacists because they decided, because we disagree with their opinion about something. This is lunacy. And it’s dangerous.”
Whitlock has frequently pushed back on left-wing racial rhetoric. In April 2019, Whitlock blasted veteran NBA player Kyle Korver, who published a lengthy article in which he spoke of race relations while issuing an apology for his “white privilege,” writing:
The fact that black Americans are more than five times as likely to be incarcerated as white Americans is wrong. The fact that black Americans are more than twice as likely to live in poverty as white Americans is wrong. The fact that black unemployment rates nationally are double that of overall unemployment rates is wrong. The fact that black imprisonment rates for drug charges are almost six times higher nationally than white imprisonment rates for drug charges is wrong. The fact that black Americans own approximately one-tenth of the wealth that white Americans own is wrong. The fact that inequality is built so deeply into so many of our most trusted institutions is wrong. And I believe it’s the responsibility of anyone on the privileged end of those inequalities to help make things right.
If you’ve been paying attention, then you know that much of the rhetoric around BLM is fabricated and based on emotional half-truths.
Now, it appears that the people who are behind BLM are attempting to profit off of this “movement.”
How would Martin Luther King, Jr. feel about that, eh?
This news comes as many people are suffering financially due to the pandemic.
Prolonged shutdowns have cost millions of jobs.
People donated to BLM.
And it appears that the co-founder has used that money to enrich herself.
According to Revolver News:
BLM is a profitable organization and they are raking in the dough.
According to the New York Times, just one Black Lives Matter online petition raked in $5 million in contributions.
The death of George Floyd in Minneapolis has been a gold mine for BLM and other black rights groups.
The New York Times piece above goes on to explain that progressive and racial justice groups have seen a flood of donations since Floyd’s death. As a matter of fact, those infamous bail funds alone have garnered 90 million bucks.
Between Floyd and “Defund The Police”, so much money has been pouring into BLM that they’ve actually had to redirect donors to other causes.
The reason for the cash overflow is that rich celebrities and woke corporations are donating huge sums at an alarming rate. It’s an easy way for liberals to wash away their “white guilt” and score progressive brownie points.
As it stands now, BLM is so filthy rich, they don’t even know exactly how much cash they have… or if they do, they’re not telling anyone.
But where is all that money going? Most people figure that it’s going straight into the Democrat coffers, and they’re probably right.
But is there more to it than just that?
A curious new purchase by BLM co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors is now calling into question just how those BLM riches are being spent.
Khan-Cullors just purchased herself a swanky little $1.4 million-dollar Cali pad in a city called Topanga, just outside of Beverly Hills.
The kicker in all of this is that Topanga is an elitist white neighborhood where only 1.4 percent of the population is black.
So what do you think?
Is this corruption?
Or is there another explanation for what’s going on?
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