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Biden’s Dog Pooped On The White House Floor


First Biden’s dog Major apparently made him break his foot, then his dog Major bit two people, and now either his dog Champ or Major has now pooped on the White House floor.

You’d think Biden’s dogs Major and Champ would be trained by now considering Biden had a lot of time to train them while he stayed home in his basement but their not.

Let’s not be too harsh on Biden’s dogs though,  considering they were just replicating what they see their owner do on a daily basis…CREATE A BIG MESS!

I’m sure in his next press conference Biden will get softball questions from liberals asking which dog took the dump on the White House floor.

The New York Post covered the story and shared these details:

One of President Biden’s German shepherds treated the White House like an outhouse Wednesday, rudely answering nature’s call in a hallway, according to a pool reporter.

“As pool gathered to load in the vans on the South Lawn driveway, Champ and Major were spotted in the hallway outside the Palm Room doors in front of the Diplomatic Room,” noted the journalist in a 10:27 a.m. dispatch as she awaited the departure of First Lady Jill Biden. “There was dog poo on the floor. It’s unclear which dog was responsible for it.”

The crappy situation unfolded one day after it was reported that Major, the White House’s first rescue dog, was involved in a second biting incident this month.

The Associated Press believe it or not covered the story too:

Doggie doo in the White House?

One of President Joe Biden’s dogs apparently deposited the pile of poo in the hallway outside the Diplomatic Reception Room, just off the South Lawn, on Wednesday.

Reporters accompanying Jill Biden on a trip to California spotted the brown stuff on the red-carpeted hallway as they waited just inside the mansion to be escorted to the first lady’s motorcade.

It was unclear which pooch — Major or Champ — dropped the poo.


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