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Democrat Senator Gives A Thumbs Down To $15 Minimum Wage Vote


This is surprising to see.

An actual Democrat vote against a Democrat-inspired bill.

Democrat Senator from Arizona  Kyrsten Sinema voted no to add a $15 minimum wage into the Coronavirus stimulus bill.

She was one of seven Democrats who decided to join Republicans in not increasing the minimum wage.

That’s not what has everybody talking though.

After voting no she turned to the house floor performed a curtsy then put her thumbs down.

Take a look:

I’m sure this triggered many Democrats on the floor.

Many news outlets compared her actions to the late Republican Senator of Arizona  John McCain who also put his thumbs down when he voted against a repeal of Obama Care in 2017.

I’m not sure she was “channeling her inner John McCain” considering Sinema agreed to repeal the Affordable Care Act while McCain voted for it to stay.

Fox News covered the story and see what details they had to add:

When it came time to vote Friday on a $15 minimum wage amendment to the massive coronavirus stimulus bill, maverick Democrat U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema chose to do it in emphatic Arizona style – and the move infuriated her critics on the left.

In video footage that has since gone viral, Sinema is seen offering a “thumbs-down” vote on the Senate floor. She was one of seven Democrats and one left-leaning independent who opposed the amendment, which failed on a 58-42 count.

The senator explained her vote in a statement posted on Twitter, saying the minimum wage debate should be settled separately from the congressional response to the pandemic.

The Senate voted 58 to 42 against the bill proposed by Bernie Sanders.

Many are surprised that seven Democrats decided to side with Republicans.

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The Hill had more on the story:

The Senate on Friday voted to reject a proposal sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to raise the federal minimum wage to $15.

Seven Democrats and one Independent who caucuses with Democrats voted against it. The vote has yet to be gaveled closed, though it appeared every senator had cast their vote by 12:15 p.m.

Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), Jon Tester (D-Mont.), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), Chris Coons (D-Del.) Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Angus King (I-Maine.) voted to sustain a procedural objection — a budget point of order — against the wage increase.

Coons’s vote was especially surprising as he is one of President Biden’s closest allies in the Senate, but he and Carper also represent a business-friendly state.

The Senate voted 58 to 42 against an attempt to waive a procedural objection against adding the wage provision to the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill.


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