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Pelosi Bans Naval Academy Grad from Seeing His Republican Mother Sworn Into Congress


Nancy Pelosi has hit a new low.

Is that even possible?


It has now been revealed that Nancy Pelosi BANNED a Naval Academy graduate from watching his mother being sworn into Congress.

It makes sense…

Because his mother is a Republican.

Every other member being sworn into Congress was allowed to have a family member witness them being sworn into the Congress.

It is a historic moment.

So his Republican mother chose him to witness his historic moment.

But Nancy Pelosi said no.

This comes after weeks of the Democrats suggesting that people in the military could potentially be a risk if they are Trump supporters.

We already know that Democrats purged the forces of Trump supporters prior to Biden’s inauguration.

More details below:


Can you imagine allowing every other member of Congress to have a loved one watch their swearing in ceremony?

Then tell a Congresswoman that her own son, who has sworn an oath to protect our country and our constitution, can’t watch?

That is an incredible new low… EVEN for Nancy Pelosi!

The Western Journal confirms this disgusting story:

So much for “unity.”

Newly elected New York Rep. Claudia Tenney and her family have waited three months since the November election for Tenney to finally be sworn-in to the seat she won.

On Thursday, according to The Daily Caller, Tenney’s son, a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, was not allowed to attend the ceremony.

Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer spread the word on social media Thursday morning.

“I guess he’s considered a risk,” Tenney told The Daily Caller, confirming Spicer’s post.

Sure he must be. He’s the son of a Republican, after all. According to Tenney’s campaign biography page, her son, Trey Cleary, is a 2013 graduate of the Naval Academy who is now a captain in the United States Marines.

Most sane Americans would consider that the kind of man you’d trust your life to — considering the country is entrusting its existence to him and to men and women like him and has been for more than 200 years now.

But apparently “most sane Americans” doesn’t include Nancy Pelosi or her staff. Tenney told The Daily Caller she was informed her son would not be allowed to watch from the gallery during “several exchanges” through “text from staff and in person.”

In a way, it’s not surprising. The Democratic Party has made no secret of the fact that it distrusts the military — just look at the insulting “vetting” process for the National Guard that took place before the swearing-in of President Joe Biden on Jan. 20.

But it is surprising that that kind of distrust would be placed on such a personal level. Tenney, after all, is not a newcomer to Congress.

Many Democrats rejoiced at the news.

Some even claimed that the military supported the Trump “riot,” which we all know was NOT a “coup” or “insurrection.”

Fortunately, most people appeared to be livid at the revelation.

The Daily Caller provides a little more insight into what happened:

“I guess he’s considered a risk,” Tenney told the Caller. Tenney said that Pelosi told her the news about her son not being allowed to watch from the gallery in a “text from staff and in person,” adding that there were “several exchanges.”

Tenney’s son received a phone call from former President Donald Trump before he deployed to Iraq in 2017.

Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer sent out a tweet Thursday morning with the news that Pelosi denied Tenney’s request to let her son, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, watch her get sworn in from above the floor in the gallery. The Daily Caller contacted Tenney about the news, to which she confirmed it was true.

“I guess he’s considered a risk,” Tenney told the Caller. Tenney said that Pelosi told her the news about her son not being allowed to watch from the gallery in a “text from staff and in person,” adding that there were “several exchanges.”

Tenney’s son received a phone call from former President Donald Trump before he deployed to Iraq in 2017.

Pelosi’s office did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment about the news.

Why won’t Pelosi comment?

Because she knows that this would be bad press for her and the Democrat party.

But she should know that she shouldn’t have to worry.

After all…

The mainstream media will cover up for her!


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