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U.S. Marines Sing “Days of Elijah” at Camp Pendleton


No, this is not a breaking news story.

Not everything we cover here is breaking news.

But this may, in fact, be the best thing you see all day!

This video was posted to YouTube in 2014, so it’s at least that old.

According to the video description:

US Marines at Camp Pendleton singing Days of Elijah. I added the intro and outro instrumental parts and the lyrics from the Robin Mark version of the song, as that is the one they are worshiping to in the video.

It’s only 5 minutes and I encourage you to watch the whole thing.

I suspect you may end up watching it multiple times like I did.

It’s just so good!

A few comments immediately come to my mind….

First, if Q has been right and the military has been working behind the scenes, then these are the very men and women who will be saving this country.

THESE are real patriots!

THESE are the “Deplorables” that the far-left hates!

THESE are people that love God and country…and freedom!

The other thing is just how stark this feels compared to what they’ve done to us in 2020 and 2021 with the Planned-demic.

They HATED seeing patriots band together.

These are exactly the types of gatherings they wanted to ban.

No standing arm-in-arm.

No banding together.

So singing, and definitely no worship songs!

Well I’m here to tell you that the video below is everything I stand for, and I’m proud show you everything the far-left hates summed up in one video.

The dividing lines have been drawn.

You either want THIS version of America for your future or you want Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

The choice couldn’t be more clear.

Please….enjoy this and share with a friend:


And since YouTube may delete this after my article goes live, I’ve made a backup.

Saved over at Rumble:


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