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Parler CEO John Matze Posts Update, Says Parler WILL Be Back!


Parler is most definitely coming back folks!

That’s the update straight from Parler CEO john Matze, posted today to the homepage of

Visitors to the website saw this beautiful image today when they loaded the site, which means they DO have servers somewhere:

Here’s a zoom in:

My guess is they have temporary hosting somewhere good enough to post this update image but probably not nearly powerful enough to host the fully-operating platform.

And that’s exactly the problem with Big Tech collusion.

Outside of Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and Google, almost no one has server farms big enough to run a major social media site.

So you have by default a Big Tech monopoly.

And that may be “fine” when there is no collusion, but the moment Big Tech feels threatened by an up-and-comer like Parler, they all simply pull the infrastructure necessary to run the site and POOF…..competition gone.

My guess is that Parler will have to buy or build there own 100% controlled servers and that won’t be an easy or quick task.

But I was so encouraged to see his message today to confirm they haven’t given up and they are 100% dedicated to coming back online.


Here is some more info from the NY Post:

The CEO of the conservative-friendly social media platform Parler said Big Tech failed to give him a heads up until just before Amazon, Apple and Google pulled the plug on him.

Following the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, Google Play and Apple removed access to John Matze’s app and Amazon Web Services booted him from its servers, giving him a measly 24 hours notice.

“It’s very, very interesting that they all, on the exact same day without previously indicating, they never indicated to us that there was any serious or material problem with our app,” CEO Matze told Fox News’ host Mark Levin. “But on the same day, you know, all on the same day, they send us these very threatening notices.”

“And Amazon, as usual, [was] basically saying, ‘Oh, I never saw any material problems. There’s no issues.’ You know, they played it off very nonchalantly. And so we had still even, you know, on the 8th and the 9th, you know, we had no real indication that this was, you know, deadly serious,” he told Levin in an interview that will air Sunday on “Life, Liberty & Levin.”

An excerpt of the interview was released earlier Sunday.

Matze told Levin that Parler was the fast-growing social media site in the first days of this year.

“On some of the last days before we got the ax from Amazon Web Services, we had almost a million new accounts created on that last day,” Matze said.

“We were number one on the App Store. We were above Facebook, we were above TikTok, we were above YouTube, above Instagram, above every app on the App Store in the United States. We were number one before we got the ax.”​

Matze, who said he and his family have had to go into hiding because of death threats, has sued Amazon​ for violating US antitrust law.​

Amazon responded by saying ​that Parler ignored repeated calls to remove violent content from its website, including death threats against public figures.

​In its filing, Amazon accused Parler of helping to incite the Jan. 6 riots at the Capitol that led to the deaths of five people, including a Capitol Police officer.

After Twitter, Facebook and other tech sites banned President Trump, the president’s followers migrated to Parler, hoping to find a less restrictive online environment. ​​

Matze defended his two-year-old site ​from allegations that he allowed objectionable content to circulate.

“You know, our ads were not intrusive. We were not using data to kind of predict people or mine people’s data​. We were presenting ads in a very what I like to describe as humane way so that we were doing what I think is best for ads, which is respecting people’s privacy​,” he said.

And from CNN, Apple’s Tim Cook trying to rationalize why he banned Parler from their App Store (Steve Jobs must be rolling over in his grave — and yes, readers, I have confirmed Steve Jobs is 100% dead unfortunately.  Jobs NEVER would have done this.  Jobs was a maverick and a free thinker):

Apple, along with Amazon and Google, effectively kicked Parler off the internet in the wake of the January 6 US Capitol siege. Despite criticism that Big Tech wields too much power over speech, Apple CEO Tim Cook defended his decision.

“We looked at the incitement to violence that was on there,” Cook told Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday.”
“We don’t consider that free speech and incitement to violence has an intersection.”

Parler, the alternative social network popular with conservatives, had been surging in popularity in recent months. But the platform failed to rein in hate-filled, violent speech, which Big Tech companies said could lead to another violent attack. Apple (AAPL) and Google (GOOGL) booted Parler off their app stores and Amazon (AMZN) stopped hosting the service.

The ability to stop billions of people from easily accessing a social network is a weighty responsibility — one that critics of all political persuasions have argued does not belong in the hands of a select few millionaires and billionaires running the world’s largest companies. Some critics of Apple and its cohort’s decisions to ban Parler have argued that pushing the app out of the mainstream will drive participants to dark channels of the internet — and potentially deeper down the rabbit hole of radicalization.

But Cook disputed that it’s Apple’s job to host every service, regardless of its content. He noted that Apple has terms of service for the 2 million apps its hosts, and apps that refuse to play by the rules aren’t allowed to access Apple’s massive audience.

“We obviously don’t control what’s on the internet, but we’ve never viewed that our platform should be a simple replication of what’s on the internet,” Cook said.

Apple will welcome back Parler — provided Parler finds a new cloud provider to host the social network — if the app effectively moderates users’ speech, said the Apple CEO.

“We’ve only suspended them,” Cook noted. “If they get their moderation together they would be back on there.”
Apple’s CEO has criticized other tech companies for lacking ideals — including sacrificing users’ privacy by chasing profit.

But Apple, the world’s most valuable company, has to tread lightly. It substantial size and power mean any controversial move can get under the skin of regulators that have sued other Big Tech companies, including Google and Facebook, for violating antitrust law. Forcing other companies to bend to its will isn’t going to make Apple’s argument easier if it finds itself under scrutiny for allegedly abusing monopoly power.

How ironic, given Apple’s iconic 1984 commercial.

Of course, that was under Steve Jobs.

Tim Cook has destroyed a once great company.


1984 was not like 1984.

But 2021 certainly is.


Want to see true inspiration?

This is what freedom of thought looks like.

This is what true genius looks like.

THIS was Steve Jobs.

Tim Cook makes me want to vomit. 🤮

Take a moment and remember what truly made Apple great and ask yourself what Facebook, Twitter, Amazon and Google would think of this (spoiler alert: they would hate it):


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