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Patriotic Moment: President Trump Says “It’s Really Fight For Our Country Not Fight For Trump”


What a patriotic moment

As President Trump was giving an electric speech, the crowd in Dalton, Georgia broke out in a chant “Fight for Trump!”.

President Trump then paused and said these patriotic words “It’s really fighting for our country not fight for Trump”.

President Trump is absolutely right!

Soldiers don’t fight for the general, they fight for the country because the general himself is also fighting for the country.

Check out the moment it happened:

A Hollywood scriptwriter wouldn’t be able to re-create such a patriotic moment.

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Five hours before President Trump took the stage in Dalton, Georgia crowds were already chanting “fight for Trump”.

Take a look:

Regardless of what the media spews out, Trump is very popular in our country  because he’s a true patriot and not another sold out politician.


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