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MI Sec of State Official Got Caught On Video Telling Volunteers To Count Several Ballots With The Exact Same Signature


Here’s more evidence to pile up on the fraud that took place in Michigan.

A Michigan Secretary of State official was caught on camera telling volunteers to count several ballots with the very same signature.

Attorney Matthew DePerno and his team recorded three videos in total that showed an absolute mess going on in the audit in Michigan.

Used ballots, unused ballots, and spoiled ballots were all thrown into bins.

Take a look at the mess yourself:

Take a look at the second video.

It’s truly unbelievable that an election audit in the United States would look like this.

The third video is the one that has everyone talking.

The Secretary of State official clearly says to the audit watchers  “This is not an investigation right now!”.

Jim Hoft over at the Gateway Pundit broke the story, see what he had to share:

Mr. DePerno, who acted as an observer to the “risk-limited audit,” doesn’t agree with Ms. Benson about the integrity of Michigan’s election and has provided us with video and photographic evidence to prove that he was again able to debunk her statement about the “most secure election in our nation’s history.”

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The first video provided by Matthew DePerno shows a bin of ballots from Mancelona Township, Precinct #1. The bin was delivered to three of the 20 bi-partisan volunteers that included several Antrim Co. city clerks who agreed to assist with the “risk-limited audit.”

Inside the bin, tabulated ballots were mixed in with ballots that were never tabulated, and several blank ballots were mixed in as well. Mr. DePerno referred to the bin of ballots as “an absolute mess!”

The second video was taken at a table where ballots were being counted in Helena Twp. The volunteers can be seen questioning why there were fewer ballots in the bin than the original number that was recorded in the previous recount? Shortly after asking the question, a male SOS official approached the table with a bag marked “spoiled ballots” and told them to count them.

The third video was taken at a table where the ballots from Central Lake Twp. were being counted. In the video, a male counter can be seen questioning “multiple ballots with the same signature.” According to Matthew DePerno, 138 ballots had write-in-votes where the penmanship was exactly the same.


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