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Trump Blasts Supreme Court on Twitter: “They Just Chickened Out”

"The fact that the Supreme Court wouldn’t find standing in an original jurisdiction matter between multiple states, and including the POTUS, is absurd."


The Supreme Court’s decision to completely reject the Texas lawsuit on Friday was a national embarrassment.

Never one to take anything lying down, President Donald Trump went hard after the Supreme Court on Twitter.

President Trump said it was “absurd” that SCOTUS refused to find standing in an original jurisdiction matter among multiple states.

Trump said that their refusal to rule on the merits of the case was bad for our country, and the Supreme Court simply “chickened out.”

The Hill has more on the president's tweets:

President Trump blasted the Supreme Court's decision to reject his bid to overturn the election results in Texas, calling it a "disgraceful miscarriage of justice."

Trump took to Twitter on Friday night to vent his frustrations, writing, "The Supreme Court really let us down. No Wisdom, No Courage!"

Trump continued his sentiments on Saturday morning in response to Fox News's Sean Hannity.

"'Justices Alito and Thomas say they would have allowed Texas to proceed with its election lawsuit.' @seanhannity This is a great and disgraceful miscarriage of justice. The people of the United States were cheated, and our Country disgraced. Never even given our day in Court!" he wrote, referring to the dissenting statement of Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

President Trump also criticized AG William Barr for not revealing the truth about Hunter Biden to the public before the election.

President Trump will not back down from this fight, no matter how tough it is.

He is being very concise with his message to the American people:

"It's not over."

He told Fox News as much over the weekend:

President Trump vowed that he and his campaign “are going to continue to go forward” with their legal challenges against November’s election results, despite the Electoral College getting set to cast their votes on Monday.

Trump told “Fox & Friends” in an interview that aired Sunday morning that even though the Supreme Court rejected a case brought by Texas against several swing states over their elections, he still has other challenges in play.

“No, it's not over. We keep going and we're going to continue to go forward. We have numerous local cases,” Trump said, claiming that he won Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia, while noting that he has an ongoing case in Wisconsin.

When asked about Monday’s Electoral College vote, which is when the country officially elects the president, Trump recognized that he is under a time crunch.

“We're going to speed it up as much as we can, but you can only go so fast,” Trump told Kilmeade at the Army-Navy football game Saturday. “They give us very little time. But we caught them, as you know, as fraudulent, dropping ballots, doing so many things, nobody can even believe it.” Trump said that there were votes cast in the name of dead people and that “tens of thousands of ballots” were illegally submitted.

There is certainly reason to be optimistic about this fight.


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