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Intense Anti-Lockdown & Anti-Vaccine Protests Across the Globe – Will Governments Mandate the COVID-19 Vaccine?


What a beautiful sight this was in London!

“Stick your poison vaccine up your a**!”

Well said fellow Patriots from across the pond.

I think it’s time we brought more of that back to America.

Here’s more footage of the London protests that erupted over COVID lockdowns and the vaccine that’s on the brink of being distributed:

As you can see, it’s not only Americans who are fed up with these lockdowns, mask mandates, and destruction of the middle class.

The resistance is rising in Europe as well.

This clip is from a protest in Denmark that raged for several weeks in outrage over the country’s proposed epidemic law:

What exactly was inside this ‘epidemic law?’

The Local dk shared this breakdown of the sections that caused the most alarm for Danish citizens:

People infected with dangerous diseases can be forcibly given medical examination, hospitalised, treated and placed in isolation.

  • The Danish Health Authority would be able to define groups of people who must be vaccinated in order to contain and eliminate a dangerous disease.
  • People who refuse the above can – in some situations – be coerced through physical detainment, with police allowed to assist.
  • Medics have voiced their concern that the proposed law will give the government too much power over healthcare, as reported today byΒ DR.

β€œWe think these are regulations that go too far and ought to be changed,” Camilla Rathcke, head of the Danish Medical Association, told the broadcaster, adding that such power in the hands of authorities could feel as though it was β€œoverstepping boundaries” for individual patients.

The association believes that mandatory vaccination should be an β€œabsolute last resort” and expressed its concern for patients’ legal rights, DR writes.

Additionally, the law leaves the decision of when a disease is dangerous enough to bring the epidemic law into use solely in the hands of the health minister. Although an advisory commission can be involved, the government does not have to follow its advice.

β€œWe don’t suspect a minister to have bad intentions. But decisions on emergency situations need broad parliamentary support,” Anders Beich, head of the Danish College of General Practitioners, told DR.

That’s downright horrifying and Orwellian!

I’d be right beside the protestors if my government proposed any totalitarian, medical-slave state tyranny like that.

I scrolled through the comments and, from the looks of it, this protest was successful.

It appears they repealed the proposed measures, such as the mandatory vaccine.

(If you’re reading from Denmark, send an update haha).

Finding news coverage of this is close to impossible.

For Americans, you think your government won’t try this wicked mandate?

In further detail from the New York Law Journal:

The New York State Bar Association on Saturday passed a resolution urging the state to consider making it mandatory for all New YorkersΒ to undergo COVID-19 vaccination when a vaccineΒ becomes available, even if people object to it for β€œreligious, philosophical or personal reasons.”

The resolution, which was passed by a majority of the bar association’s 277-member House of Delegates, includes conditions limiting its scope. They include that the state government should only consider making vaccinations mandatory if voluntary COVID-19 vaccinations fall short of producing needed levels of population immunity. Additionally, they include that an assessment of the health threat to various communities be made so that perhaps the mandate can be targeted, and that a mandate only be considered after there is expert consensus about the vaccine’s safety and efficacy.

In a statement Saturday afternoon, Mary Beth Morrissey, chair of the bar association’s Health Law Section’s Task Force on COVID-19, which in May released a controversial report that first proposed the idea of a vaccine mandate, said,Β β€œThe authority of the state to respond to a public health crisis is well-established in constitutional law,”

β€œIn balancing the protection of the public’s health and civil liberties, the Public Health Law recognizes that a person’s health can and does affect others,” said Morrisey, a lawyer who holds a doctorate degree in gerontological social work research.

The Health Law Section’s May report generated an uproar online, over the spring and summer, among anti-vaccine groups and lawyers who represent people injured by vaccines. But the relevant part of the 83-page report proposing a vaccine mandate was broader in scope, and more direct, than the resolution passed by the bar association Saturday.

The report recommended thatΒ it should beΒ mandatory for all AmericansΒ to undergo COVID-19 vaccination, despite people’s objections, with the one exception being doctor-ordered medical reasons. There was no language about a mandate being limited to New York state residents, and no language saying a public recommendation should only be for the state government to β€œconsider” a mandate.


Of course, this will vary state by state but it appears New York is at least considering a COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

I’m a fundamental believer in personal freedom and individuals deciding what’s best for them.

And many people have their suspicions about the safety of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines pending FDA approval.

Pfizer and Moderna.

For me, I will pass.


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