Democrat governors & mayors across America have cowered to the mob and look where that has gotten us!
Small businesses ransacked, buildings burned to the ground, impoverished communities destroyed, and total chaos by degenerate criminals.
If we’ve learned anything in 2020, you never back down to the mob.
They hate Trump, they hate you, and they hate America.
They’ll never be satisfied and the only action law-abiding, America loving Patriots can do is to stand up to them.
That’s exactly what Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is doing with new legislation that allows citizens to defend themselves against suspected looters.
The Miami Herald reported:
Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand Florida’s Stand Your Ground law — a move that critics say will allow armed citizens to shoot suspected looters or anyone engaged in “criminal mischief” that disrupts a business.
Lawyers say it’s just one of the many troubling aspects of the draft bill being pushed by the Republican governor in response to police-brutality protests that erupted across Florida and the United States this summer.
The report continued by stating:
The proposal would expand the list of “forcible felonies” under Florida’s self-defense law to justify the use of force against people who engage in criminal mischief that results in the “interruption or impairment” of a business, and looting, which the draft defines as a burglary within 500 feet of a “violent or disorderly assembly.”
Other key elements of DeSantis’ proposal would enhance criminal penalties for people involved in “violent or disorderly assemblies,” make it a third-degree felony to block traffic during a protest, offer immunity to drivers who claim to have unintentionally killed or injured protesters who block traffic, and withhold state funds from local governments that cut law enforcement budgets.
Critics to the proposal, such as Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber and former Miami-Dade County prosecutor Denise Georges, argued that “it allows for vigilantes to justify their actions.”
When Governor DeSantis proposed the legislation with law enforcement officials and top Republican lawmakers, it drew ire from Democrats.
As reported by the Tampa Bay Times:
Rep. Anna Eskamani, D-Orlando, said the governor’s proposal underscores the “political rhetoric and fear tactics” that voters are tired of, and accused the governor of “using law and order as an election stunt to distract and scare voters.”
DeSantis stood with Trump at rallies promoting the message of “law and order” and his proposal pushes back against the calls to “defund police.”
The left cries that this violates First Amendment rights of protestors.
However, 2020 has revealed Democrat’s idea of “peaceful protests.”
When your “protest” violates the rights of other citizens, you lose that right!
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