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Here’s Why The Polls Are Already Shifting For Trump, Just Like We Told You Would Happen!


A few days ago, I told you the polls would suddenly start to shift in favor of President Trump.

More below on WHY that is.

But first check out this article from Fox News confirming exactly what I told you would start to happen.

Take a look:

From Fox News:

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s lead over President Trump has narrowed a touch to 8 points from a 10-point advantage in early October, according to a Fox News national survey of likely voters.Biden is ahead by a 52-44 percent margin. It was 53-43 percent three weeks ago. His lead is outside the poll’s margin of sampling error. Two percent back a third-party candidate and 2 percent are undecided.

Among likely voters, support for the former vice president has been between 51-53 percent since early September. That notably distinguishes this year’s race from 2016, when neither candidate exceeded 48 percent support in pre-election surveys — or the final election results.

The number of registered voters backing Biden is nearly identical to his support going all the way back to a hypothetical matchup in 2015. At that time, he led Trump by 50-37 percent.

“Biden is holding a substantial lead nationally, many votes are already cast, and there are few undecideds,” says Democratic pollster Chris Anderson, who conducts the survey with Republican Daron Shaw. “It’s hard to see the national race shifting significantly in the closing days, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible for Trump to again thread the needle on an Electoral College victory.”

The survey shows Trump is preferred by White men (+17 points), rural voters (+18), and White evangelical Christians (+50). Those margins are lower than what he received in 2016. According to Pew Research Center validated voter data, he won White men by 30 points, rural voters by 25, and White evangelicals by 61.

Biden is the favorite among women (+17 points), suburban women (+29), Hispanics (+18), Blacks (+66), and voters under age 30 (+32). That is a mixed bag compared to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 support. She won women by 15, suburban women by 11, and voters under 30 by 30 — but won Blacks by 85 points and Hispanics by 38.

Seniors backed Trump by a 9-point margin in 2016, yet favor Biden by 10 in the new survey.

Independents, a small subgroup, favor Biden by 54-32 percent — a group Trump won by a single point last time.

“Biden has the advantage among key groups, especially seniors, suburbanites, and independents,” says Shaw. “Trump needs a few more points out of these groups to win re-election. But the main impediment is the stubborn stability of the race; it hasn’t changed much all year despite pandemics, economic collapses, and massive social unrest.”

Another big difference in this election is that voters find one of the candidates likeable. That stands in stark contrast to 2016 when voters viewed both Clinton and Trump negatively.

Biden has a net +11 personal rating: 55 percent view him favorably vs. 44 percent unfavorably.

Now, do you want to know WHY this is happening?

And WHY I knew it would?

Here’s what I told you a few days ago…..

We are officially one week away from the election and in this homestretch you can expect the polls to “suddenly” start looking a lot better for Trump.


Because they can only lie for so long.

Here’s why…

The farther away we are from the election, they can put forth as many bogus polls as they want.

Biden’s up 14 points!

Now it’s 18 points!

Biden has an 85% chance of winning!

Seen them all, haven’t we?

But you can’t do that 7 days out.

Because if Trump wins this thing (WHEN Trump wins this thing) you can’t be the pollster who said a day before the election that Biden was going to win.

You’re credibility would be absolutely shot and you’d go out of business.

So yes, they play games.

Big games!

But they’re now entering the point in time where they have to “sober up” a bit.

So watch as the polls magically start looking REAL good for Trump.

You heard it here first!

Now….want more?

Want to know HOW they rig the polls?

Ex-CIA officers Kevin Shipp broke it all down on a recent interview and I thought it was so good I wanted to share it with you.

From the YouTube description:

BOOKMARK IT: Check Out My New Site,!

Former CIA Officer and counter-terrorism expert Kevin Shipp predicted nobody of significance would go to jail about the failed coup of President Trump.  New declassified documents prove that the so-called “Crossfire Hurricane” and the FISA spy warrants were an illegal operation by the Shadow Government and the Obama Administration that was totally made up.  It was a scam and a witch hunt to remove President Trump from office, and, yet, Attorney General William Barr has done nothing.  Shipp says, “It was a soft coup.  There is no question about it.  No one involved has been indicted or even told they were a subject of a criminal investigation.  None of the main players involved has that happened to.  That is extremely concerning. . . . Trump is very upset with Barr, and he’s saying it publicly. . . . He’s very upset, and his family has been put through this, and nothing has come out with the Barr/Durham investigation. . . . The chances of Barr being fired with a Trump victory are pretty strong.”

Shipp says, “Trump is going to win by a landslide. . . .but people should expect significant violence in the streets.  You should plan accordingly.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with former CIA Officer and counter-intelligence expert Kevin Shipp.

Please enjoy:


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