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Another Wrinkled Flag on RBG’s Casket


That’s odd, another wrinkled flag on another Deep Stater’s casket?

I’m not telling you WHAT it means, I’m just pointing out that it’s fairly odd.  

And it happened to McCain, Bush Sr. and John Lewis too.  

Just a coincence?

Iron just wasn’t working?

Let’s explore.  

A Quora user explained more:

A flag should never be wrinkled when placed on a casket. There were some wrinkles on John Lewis’ casket, on George H W Bush’s casket, and on John McCain’s casket. The wrinkles are on the lower edges. These wrinkled can occur when the casket has been carried frequently by the casket bearers from one place to another. The edges of the flag gets wrinkled by the uniforms and bodies of the bearers, and it is difficult to get the wrinkles out unless the flag is removed entirely and re-pressed.

The wrinkles I saw were not that apparent. They were small, light wrinkles on the lower edges only, caused by casket bearers carrying the casket close to their own bodies.

Sometimes a veteran will ask that a very old flag be used to drape their casket. A frail, older flag may be a little discolored or wrinkled. But if it had meaning for the veteran, it is permissible to drape the casket with that type of flag.

Normally flags are pressed extremely well, and no wrinkles appear anywhere. But most caskets are not placed on view in different public buildings, nor moved a great deal by casket bearers. Flags are pressed at the factory where they are made, and if need be, are pressed again before a viewing or funeral. A heavily wrinkled flag is disrespectful to the veteran, and should not be used.

Watch this from my friend Daniel to understand even more:

And on Reddit:

George HW Bush Funeral
Does anybody notice the wrinkled flag? WTF.. I saw it in the dog picture and now today during the ceremony. Is it just me? I thought EVERY detail would be perfect. I make sure my flags are perfect. Seems almost like FD 101.

More people asking questions on Quora:


And from Iowa Holsteins:

The funeral precession ends up being very creepy to watch once you know the context. I was led to believe that any reservist/ guardsman had to have at least 180 days active duty to be considered a veteran.. (possibly explaining the small stars)Anyone who graduates Basic Training, Boot Camp, or is commissioned as an officer after Officer Training School/Officer Candidate School, or college ROTC is considered a veteran. **Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone. Canine’s serve their country in the military and law enforcement and in other capacities and are considered a member of the military or law enforcement agency.The canton (blue field) lays over the left shoulder of the deceased. The bush and McCain's were probably done by civilians who probably aren't paid enough for that shitJFK's wrinkled flag is certainly interesting, just like the conditions surrounding his death, and the eerie similarities it had to certain Masonic Q's strategy here is to let traitors live a long well respected life and then sentence them to death in a secret military tribunal minutes before they die of old age. Wrinkled flag for traitors. The flag must never touch the ground. This is where any "meta" discussion should go.This is theory just doesn't hold up. The only possible explanation for this is that "Bush was sentenced to death by a secret military tribunal for crimes against humanity". Closed casket: the flag should be draped on the casket so that the union (the blue field) is at the head and over the left shoulder of the deceased. Some state, city, and county elected officials and first responders who serve their state desire to have their state’s flag, which is just fine. This includes:Any discussion about other users in the thread or the sub. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs, have had one almost all my life and appreciate and respect the job they do for the military and law enforcement. (Half-half)Two flags on a casket or coffin would not be appropriate. 3) There is simply no excuse for a president to be draped in a wrinkled flag.
First responders could also opt for their local flag or their respective Note: Never place two or more flags or a flag and flowers on a casket. Please don’t lean the flag against the urn.Pallbearers remove the flag, the pall (a large ceremonial white cloth sometimes with a simple or ornate design, mainly used by Roman Catholics) is placed and the service takes place. American flags used for draping across a casket are 9 1/2 x 5 feet to provide proper coverage.Although not specified in the flag code, when a casket is half-opened, the flag is traditionally folded into thirds with the "field" showing on top and to the deceased's left, still covering the closed part of the casket. The tops of those flags draped over those caskets for GHW Bush and McCain were horribly wrinkled and they didn’t fold and tuck the corners on McCains – he’s supposedly a POW wartime Senator – you’d think they’d take way better care of the Flag. The pallbearers make every effort to dress the flag after the casket is placed.The small stars of Pres. Martin, check with your local police department honor guard or high school JROTC and see if they would be able to help you – I’m sure they would be able to fold your flags. The flag should be displayed so that it faces the same direction as if it were the American flag.

Cindy mccain wife of john mccain prays at the casket of her husband as he lies in state at the us capitol rotunda in washington dc on august 31 2018.


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