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Trump Draws Another Massive Crowd In Ohio, Thousands In Line To Get In!


President Trump is once again outdoing himself on the campaign trail.

Meanwhile, Hiden Biden is still stuck in his basement most days.  

Check out the incredibly crowds that are turning out for Trump every single night!

Another line that goes on and on for days!

And you gotta love this....

Trump now calls his rallys "protests" because that's how it's ok to gather.

And tonight he explained what they were protesting:

Damn right!

Watch him live:

CBS had more:

President Trump is making a campaign swing through Ohio, a battleground state he won in 2016 and hopes to win again in November.

CBS News Battleground Tracker poll has Ohio as a toss-up state, with Mr. Trump with a slim lead over Democratic nominee Joe Biden, 50% to 49%. In 2016, Mr. Trump won Ohio against Hillary Clinton 52% to 44%. Mr. Trump is making a play for battleground Midwestern states like Ohio, where he believes his support is still strong.

In Dayton, Mr. Trump is delivering remarks on fighting for American works, before he heads to Swanton for a "Great American Comeback" event. Hundreds of people were already lined up Monday morning for Mr. Trump's speech at the airport hanger in Swanton.

Looming over every presidential appearance is the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who leaves an open seat on the court just weeks ahead of a tense presidential election. Mr. Trump has said he plans to nominate a woman to the seat, and intends to announce his pick Friday or Saturday.

"I have five that we're vetting right now," the president told his crowd in Dayton, insisting he will nominate a "brilliant" woman to the Supreme Court.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has vowed that Mr. Trump's nominee would get a vote on the Senate floor, but the Senate is narrowly divided, with 53 Republicans and 47 Democrats, and if all the Democrats stand together in opposition, should four Republicans join them, the seat will have to wait until next year to be filled. So far, two have said they do not support voting on a nominee before the election.


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