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Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows: Vaccine might be ready by end of September


Listen to the mainstream media and you may believe that President Trump has done absolutely nothing in the fight against COVID.

In reality, Trump and his administration have been tirelessly working on a vaccine.

And Trump’s Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, says a vaccine may be ready by the end of September!

Here’s the news from MSN:

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows refused to walk back claims made by President Trump that there could be a viable coronavirus vaccination by the end of September.

Speaking with the press on Wednesday, Meadows took issue with a reporter who said that “nobody” believes a vaccination could be only weeks away before questioning “why the president” was confident that a late-September vaccination could be viable.

“There are some people who are saying that,” Meadows said. “In September that’s correct, we’re in September then potentially by the end of September so that would hit that.”

Meadows warned that a concrete timetable on a potential vaccination is still very much up in the air but that “some people,” such as Trump, believe a vaccination could be ready by the end of the month or in early October.

“We have a real hope of getting something that actually works and that the efficacy of that actually saves lives whether that happens in two weeks, whether that happens in two months, I can tell you there’s one person that sits in that Oval Office that daily is asking me, ‘How much progress have we made, where are we going,” and probably is one of the most informed when it comes to where we are in the trials,” he said.

The truth is, Democrats and the media don't want the vaccine to work.

Because it will look bad for them if Trump gets a working vaccine out before the election.

They'd rather have bodies pile up from COVID than see Trump re-elected!

As Fox News reports, the federal government under Trump's guidance has devised a plan to make the COVID vaccine free for all Americans:

The Department of Defense and federal health agencies have outlined plans for a coronavirus vaccine, which include having them available for free for all Americans.

The plans came in the form of a report to Congress and a “playbook” for states and local governments, The Associated Press reported. The agencies are looking at January for a potential beginning of a vaccination campaign, although it remains possible that this could come later this year.

“We are working closely with our state and local public health partners ... to ensure that Americans can receive the vaccine as soon as possible and vaccinate with confidence,” Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said in a statement.

Vaccinations would start gradually among some segments of the population – such as health workers, other essential workers, and the more vulnerable – before eventually ramping up for distribution to all who want it.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s playbook, the vaccination campaign will be “much larger in scope and complexity than seasonal influenza or other previous outbreak-related vaccination responses.”


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