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Ted Cruz Says “Many Liberal Males Never Grow Balls,” The Left Reacts in Outrage

Ted Cruz isn't holding back


Ted Cruz is already known as one of the most outspoken conservatives in American politics.

He once figuratively dunked on liberal talking head Jimmy Kimmel in a basketball game.

Now Cruz has turned his attention towards Trevor Noah.

The host of the daily show went on a tirade about gender reveal parties after a pyrotechnic device caused a massive fire.

Noah said: “Like given everything we’re learning about gender, gender reveal parties should only happen when the child is old enough to know their actual gender, and to pitch in some cash for the fire damage.”

Cruz responded on Twitter: “A fair point. Many liberal males never grow balls….”

The Hill has more on Cruz's statements:

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) on Friday responded to a tweet about a segment on gender reveal parties from Trevor Noah’s “The Daily Show,” saying “many liberal males never grow balls.”

Cruz wrote his comment in a retweet of an article from conservative news website The Daily Wire, which critiqued Noah for railing against gender reveal parties.

In Tuesday’s episode of the Comedy Central show, Noah referenced the fact that one of the three major wildfires currently burning in California was sparked by a gender reveal party. Noah said he believed the practice of celebrating a baby’s gender was “outdated.”

"Celebrating a baby’s genitalia is starting to feel very outdated," Noah said. "Like, given everything we’re learning about gender, gender reveal parties should only happen when the child is old enough to know their actual gender."

Ted Cruz dunks on another liberal

Liberals naturally melted down and cried for their safe spaces.

The Inquisitr with more:

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz took aim at The Daily Show host Trevor Noah on Friday for his recent claim that he is offended by “outdated” gender reveal parties because the children have not yet picked one, The Hill reported.

“A fair point,” Cruz wrote in response to an article on the comment. “Many liberal males never grow balls.”

Noah made the comments on Tuesday’s episode of his Comedy Central show.

“Celebrating a baby’s genitalia is starting to feel very outdated. Like, given everything we’re learning about gender, gender reveal parties should only happen when the child is old enough to know their actual gender.”

According to The Daily Wire, gender and biological sex are “inextricably connected,” despite Noah’s attempts to separate them. The publication pointed to the American Psychiatric Association and noted that the network acknowledged that gender dysphoria stems from a “conflict” between a person’s identified gender and their “assigned gender.”

As noted by The Hill, Cruz previously used gender identity to poke fun of Bernie Sanders, who he said simultaneously identifies as every gender. He has also been open about his opposition to gender-neutral bathrooms and support for laws that oppose them.

The Republican senator also claimed that parents who allow their children to have a gender transition are engaging in child abuse.

Though, he has recieved plenty of hatred online for his comments, others appreciated Cruz's humor.


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