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Boaters For Trump Parade Around The Country!

In a beautiful display for America and our President, Boaters For Trump took to waterways across the country to fly their flags and voice their support!


Joe Biden's supporters take the streets to burn, loot, and destroy.

Or cry that they're being Triggered by Trump and need a safe space.

Donald Trump's supporters like to have fun. 

Boats took the Oceans and Lakes in America to show a parade of support for our President!

From NBC 10 in Boston:

Boaters lined up off the coast of Salisbury Beach on Saturday to take part in a rally on the water in support of President Donald Trump.

Hundreds of supporters came by boat, waving flags, while others looked by on land. Attendee Virginia Parker, of Haverhill, said she thinks this will be a close election.

"We've got a lot of supporters out here," Parker said. "Get out to vote. Get others that you know don't vote out to vote."

And from ABC 13 in New York State:

Canandaigua N.Y. (WHAM) - Boaters showed their support for President Donald Trump on Canandaigua Lake on Saturday

Hundreds decorated their boats for President Trump's re-election campaign and to support law enforcement.

"Honestly, with all the division that’s going on in the world right now I figured what a better way to show support for our president and our police than boating," said Breanna Rehberg, one of the organizers of the event."

And there were parades in North Dakota!: 

The Mississippi River!:


From Sea to Shining Sea the Trump Train has gone amphibious!

These are the movements of The Silent Majority that Pelosi and Cryin Chuck fear. 

These Patriots are why the Democrats want mass Mail in Voter Fraud to steal this Election!


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