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UN Racism Survey: Are You “Yellow”

The UN created a survey for its employees meant to promote "dignity," and one of the skin color options was deeply offensive to Asians.


Liberals tell us that we're supposed to be striving for a post-race society. 

Yet it seems like all they want to talk about. 

This includes the UN, who now is asking if employees would identify as "yellow."

From Reuters:

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The United Nations has been accused by some of its staff of racism after it issued a survey that included a question asking how they identify themselves, and offered ‘yellow’ among the possible responses.

The ‘U.N. Survey on Racism’ was sent to thousands of staff on Wednesday. An email accompanying the survey said it was being carried out as part of U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ “campaign to eradicate racism and promote dignity.”

But the first question, on how staff identify themselves, itself reflected an historic Western racist view of Asians by listing ‘yellow’ as an option, several U.N. staffers told Reuters. Other categories offered were black, brown, white, mixed/multi-racial and any other.

“The first question is insane, deeply offensive and hard to fathom how in an organization as diverse as the United Nations this question was approved for release in a system-wide survey,” said one U.N. staff member, speaking on condition of anonymity.

United Nations spokesman Stephane Dujarric said the survey would be “taken off-line and revised appropriately taking into account the legitimate concerns” that had been expressed.

“We acknowledge the need to formulate these categories with greater sensitivity and will take immediate steps to rectify this,” Dujarric said.

Erica Foldy, an associate professor at the Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University, said the use of the term was not acceptable.

“The term ‘yellow’ to refer to people of Asian descent is a slur. It should not be used, period. At the same time, it is useful to remember that language related to race is complex and always in flux,” she said."

The left and institutions they love say they want to eradicate racism, yet race is the driving force in every decision they make. 

They don't want to live in a merit based society. 

They want to divide and conquer and overwhelm society with a constant race based anxiety. 


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