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Report Says NFL Ditching On-Field National Anthem Singers This Season

The NFL is getting rid of the live performance of the National Anthem this season.


The NFL has decided to hammer one more nail in their anti-American coffin by ditching on-field National Anthem singers completely. 

According to the report, this comes due to Covid-19 health concerns for their players.

The ‘Star Spangled Banner’ will still be played, but renditions must either be pre-taped, or piped in from an outside venue. 

Fox News has more on this development:

The NFL’s national anthem singers and possibly even military members and police honor guards could reportedly be left on the sidelines this season due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The NFL’s goal is to limit people in the stadium who could possibly infect players and coaches with COVID-19, Front Office Sports reported Monday, citing sources.

The national anthem will still be played before each NFL game but instead of being live, the anthem performer could be asked to sing either offsite or provide a prerecorded rendition, according to Front Office Sports. The NFL declined to comment to the outlet.

“This year will be different due to COVID concerns. They want to limit the number of people around the players on the field,” a source told Front Office Sports.

It’s not the only change to pregame activity that is apparently set for the 2020 NFL season.

ESPN reported in July that the Black national anthem – “Lift Every Voice And Sing” – will be played prior to the start of each Week 1 NFL game beginning with the Kansas City Chiefs and Houston Texans on Sept. 10.

So, let's get this straight...

The NFL is coming back with all the players, coaches, and officials sharing the field, but one person singing the National Anthem live in the middle of the field is a health risk?

Something is rotten in the State of Denmark.

Not only are National Anthem singers being eliminated, but the NFL may even forgo having military members or police honor guards.

The NFL, which had essentially replaced Major League Baseball as 'America's sport' in the last several decades is now completely overrun with Marxism in the guise of social justice.

President Donald Trump weighed in on Twitter.

Like many former fans, he'd rather not have the NFL at all if they are keen on becoming the anti-American football league.

USA Today with more:

President Donald Trump said he wants the NFL to play in 2020. But if players choose to kneel in protest during the national anthem, he'd rather the league not play. 

"(NFL officials) want to open and they want to open badly and they’ve been working with government," Trump said Tuesday in a radio interview with Clay Travis on Fox Sports' "Outkick The Coverage." "I would say this: If they don’t stand for the national anthem, I hope they don’t open. ... But, other than that I’d love to see them open and we're doing everything possible for getting them open."

Since Colin Kaepernick knelt during the anthem in 2016 to protest police brutality and social injustice Trump has been defiant against it, labeling the act as disrespectful to the American flag. Trump’s speech at a 2017 Alabama rally — when he used profanity to describe protesting players and called for their firing — prompted hundreds of players that season to kneel

"If they don’t stand for the flag and stand strongly, I'd be very happy if they didn’t open, " Trump reiterated. "That being said, I'd love to see them open."

This all could be a trial run for comletely eliminating the National Anthem, Old Glory, and the military from the NFL.

Let's remember a time when the NFL and America walked side by side.

We may never see this kind of American spirit in professional sports again.


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