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Trump Campaign, Republicans Making BIG Voter Registration Gains


Democrats would love to see the 2020 election become a pit of chaos.

They’re working overtime to promote mass mail-in voting, while shouting down anyone who worries about voter fraud.

Unfortunately for the Dems, the Trump campaign and Republicans are working even harder to register new Republican voters!

According to Fox News, Republicans are making huge voter registration gains in three important battleground states:

President Trump’s campaign is touting voter-registration gains in three key 2020 battleground states that will have a big impact in determining whether Trump or Joe Biden wins the White House come November.

The uptick in overall GOP voter registration in Florida, North Carolina and Pennsylvania spells trouble for Biden and reflects enthusiasm for another four years for Trump, the campaign told Fox News Tuesday.

“Joe Biden and the Democrat Party have a real voter-registration problem,” said Nick Trainer, Trump 2020 director of battleground strategies. “Under President Trump’s leadership, more voters are registering as Republican across the country. Team Trump and the RNC [Republican National Committee] have been on the ground in key battleground states since 2016, closing voter registration gaps.”

But Democrats say the numbers are still on their side in all three battleground states and point to strong advantages in Florida, North Carolina and Pennslyvania for their voters to request mail-in or absentee ballots.

“Across the battlegrounds, the Biden-DNC [Democratic National Committee] coordinated campaign is crushing Republicans in key field metrics like vote-by-mail requests, registration and [primary] turnout — and we’re going to keep our foot on the gas so we ensure Trump is a one-term president,” said David Bergstein, Democratic National Committee director of battleground state communications.

In Pennsylvania, a state that former President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Biden won twice before Trump flipped it red in 2016, Republican registration has outpaced Democrat registration in the last eight months. Democrats have added 41,200 voters, while Republicans have added nearly 72,000 since November 2019, state records show.

Democrats keep pointing to the polls, but we all know that was their undoing in the 2016 election.

Here’s what’s trending on Twitter:

Additionally, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports on the big advantage Republicans have in Pennsylvania going into the election:

It’s not 2016 anymore.

President Donald Trump and Joe Biden aren’t competing for the same composition of voters who won Trump the state four years ago. And despite Trump’s eroded political standing at the moment, at least in terms of which voters are joining which party, there’s good news for the GOP: Registration shifts across the state show Republicans gaining voters at five times the rate of Democrats.

Since the 2016 primary election, Republicans have added about 165,000 net voters, while Democrats added only about 30,000. Democrats still maintain an 800,000-voter edge over Republicans. But that’s down from 936,000 in 2016, when Trump still won the state by less than 1%.

“Look, the president won our state by 44,000-plus votes in 2016,” said Lawrence Tabas, chair of the Pennsylvania Republican Party. “We have since picked up and narrowed the gap between us and the Democrats [by 135,000]. So we were already ahead 44,000, and look what we’ve picked up. I predict we’re going to narrow the gap further between now and November.”

Of course, Trump is now an incumbent president politically hobbled by growing disapproval of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and protests against systemic racism. He is also facing an opponent in Biden who, polls show, is significantly less unpopular than Hillary Clinton was. So it remains to be seen how helpful any Republican tailwinds will be for Trump, who has plummeted in the polls nationally and in battleground states such as Pennsylvania.

Suffice it to say, one of the most important things we can do to re-elect the President is not only vote ourselves, but get out there and register Trump supporters!


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