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“Trump Virus”: Nancy Panders To The Chinese CCP

Why doesn't Nancy ever attack the Chinese Communists with the same vigor as our duly elected President?


Despite what some leftists want you to believe, the Covid-19 Wuhan Virus started in China, was hidden in China, and sent across the world by China. 

So, while President Trump rightly calls a spade, a spade, Nancy seems hell bent on absolving the Chinese Communists of all guilt. 

From our friends at Fox News:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., reignited her war of words with President Trump on Tuesday, calling the coronavirus the “Trump virus” in an effort to blame the ongoing pandemic on the president’s response.

Trump revived the White House’s coronavirus task force briefings this week, holding the first once since April, where he urged Americans to wear masks and warned that the pandemic will probably “get worse” before it gets better. He also repeatedly referred to COVID-19 as the “China virus.”

During an interview on CNN, though, Pelosi suggested that the president’s efforts are too little, too late.

“I think with the president’s comments today, he has recognized the mistakes that he has made by now embracing mask-wearing and the recognition that this is not a hoax, it is a pandemic that has gotten worse before it gets better because of his inaction and, in fact, clearly, it is the Trump virus,” Pelosi said.

“Well, what do you mean when you say the ‘Trump virus,'” CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer asked.

“The Trump virus,” Pelosi reiterated. “If he had said months ago ‘Let’s wear a mask, let’s socially-distance’ instead of having rallies or political whatever they were, then more people would have followed his lead. He’s the president of the United States, instead of being a bad example, making it like a manhood thing not to wear a mask.”

The House speaker continued: “A briefing on the coronavirus should be about science and that is something that the president has ignored. It should be about governance and now he’s finally embracing saying ‘OK, it’s OK to wear a mask.’ So I think a good deal of what we have suffered is clearly the Trump virus.”

And more from The Hill:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) dubbed the coronavirus the “Trump virus” on Tuesday evening, ratcheting up her rhetoric over President Trump’s handling of the pandemic.

"Well, I think with the president's comments today, he recognized the mistakes he has made by now embracing mask-wearing and the recognition this is not a hoax. It is a pandemic that has gotten worse before it will get better because of his inaction," Pelosi said on CNN's "The Situation Room."

"In fact, clearly, it is the Trump virus," Pelosi added, reiterating the phrase later in the interview as well.

The Democratic leader was responding to the president's briefing at the White House earlier Tuesday in which he praised the use of face masks and urged Americans to wash their hands and practice physical distancing to stem the spread of the virus.

During the briefing — the president's first coronavirus-focused White House briefing in nearly three months — Trump also warned that the outbreak in the U.S. will "get worse before it gets better" amid surges in parts of the country.

"If he had said months ago, let's wear masks, let’s not — let’s socially distance instead of having rallies and whatever they were, then more people would have followed his lead," Pelosi argued on CNN. "He's the president of the United States."

Pressed by CNN host Wolf Blitzer on whether she was asserting that thousands of Americans had died because of the president’s response, Pelosi responded, “Yes, that's what I am saying. I think it's clearly evident.”

The comments mark one of the strongest rebukes yet of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, which Democrats maintain could have been more aggressively dealt with by the White House.

The criticism, which centers around Trump’s early reluctance to wear a mask and barbs from some White House aides directed at health officials such as Anthony Fauci, has been amplified amid a spike in coronavirus cases across the country, particularly in the South and West.

“We’re approaching 4 million. We’re approaching 4 million people infected, people affected by this, infected by it, and a large number, like 140,000, who have passed away. If it's important to wear a mask now, it would have been important to wear it in March instead of telling us that by April we would all be going to church together. I wish that were the case, but he had no scientific basis for that,” Pelosi said.

“If they don’t return to science and governance — and that’s a way that we can overcome this. We have hope and prayers for a vaccine. God willing that will be soon. But it is still months away, and people will die. So let's hope that the president comes closer to embracing the reality of this pandemic, this Trump virus.”

The absurdity of Nancy's claims barely call for refutation.

Did Trump pack infected elderly people in nursing homes across the Northeast like cords of wood?

Did Trump pose as Anthony Fauci or The Surgeon General telling people wearing masks were unnecessary?

Did Trump collude with the WHO to hide the fact that he knew about this spreading illness in America since last year?

No, no, and NO. 


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